
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Operation Gridlock in Michigan

HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of Michigan citizens, business owners and conservatives are protesting today in Michigan against tyrannical governor Whitmer.
-Dano, WiscoDave


  1. And of course the state pigs are blocking off exits into Lansing.. It is so nice of you not so bright cops to prove that when the shit hits the fan for real, you only support the king.

  2. Good that they're doing that, but a public show of force certainly had no effect on the tyrants in VA, did it?
    I 'fear' it will be necessary for regrettable incidents to occur in order for We The People to be heard.

  3. The cops are doing nothing but ensuring that when the party starts, they are primary targets.

  4. 3 boxes, in order of use:

    Soap box
    Ballot box
    Cartridge box

    I too agree Sir, we are no longer in the 2nd box.

  5. You don't RECALL these commies. The best treatment for them is unemployment.

  6. From what I hear, the protests in Lansing are far from over. This was only the beginning.

  7. Yeah, we have our own here in Texas. He isn't doing commie stuff, what Abbott is doing is NOTHING. Geo. soros got him on the basic plan. What he need to do ie retire. Tomorrow. If Whendy Davis gets in we can start target practice.

    I'd call for Gov. Abbott to step up and proclaim something conservative, but he can't stand up or take a step. His legs don't work. And soros won't pay to fix them.

  8. Well, they voted for the bitch.

    1. The idiots that voted for her all live in detroit and surrounding areas. Don't make such stupid statements, kid.

    2. Joe. Michigan voted for the bitch. The details are unimportant. Lots of Germans were not interested in killing Jews. They were also irrelevant.

    3. Michigan has a population that is divided. Mostly Democrats living in the Detroit area, and the rest of the state is largely conservative, and a fairly large part is Republican. Details are important. I don't blame all of California for the idiots who live in the populous portions of the state. Do us the same kindness.


    4. Bob - I didn't vote for her. No one I know voted for her. The large urban areas, Detroit and Lansing voted for her. You can not put all of Michigan into one basket and say Michigan voted for her. Did you vote for obama? As a result of that dumbshit can I blame you? I don't think so. How many of the folks that drove for Lansing voted for her? Probably not many. As pigpen said above. Don't insult the ones that didn't vote for that bitch.

    5. All I'm saying is Michigan voted for the bitch. You didn't vote for her. Well duh. I know it can be hard or impossible for people to pick up and move, but once you state goes rogue, it be the only option. People are fleeing Calif, NY, NJ IL, like rats off a sinking ship. This is probably the best course of action. Let democrat run states die from a lack of tax revenue as those who voted for it suffer the consequences. Maybe some people will learn something.

  9. What Joe and pigpen said. Kid, using your reasoning you should never have anything to say if your opponent wins an election.


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