
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Putting criminal's safety above yours

STANISLAUS COUNTY (CBS13) – Approximately 300 inmates in Stanislaus County will be released on Monday as a result of a statewide emergency order that set bail to zero for lower-level offenses to mitigate the spread of coronavirus in jail populations, the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office confirmed on Sunday.

The state Judicial Council adopted the order on April 6 and said the decision was made to “safely reduce jail populations” during the pandemic.


  1. ...and I'm sure that, per the post above on the carjackers, the newly released will re-offend in minutes.

  2. They've gotta free up space for all those pesky lock-down protesters. Because how dare they ignore the annointed politicians.

  3. If they had to run the Citizen's Vigilance Committee on the way out and made it, I'd be ok with it.

  4. I get it...vigilantes! Are we there yet?


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