
Friday, April 24, 2020

Rich people doing chores for first time: ‘It’s been a complete shock’

Kenneth Mark never had much time for domestic duties. The dermatologist, who runs three high-end practices in Soho, the Hamptons and Aspen, Colo., typically spends “north of 60 hours a week” jabbing patients with Botox and fillers. His housekeeper of 20 years keeps his home in order, and when his first son was born last year, she became his nanny as well.

“She really takes care of everything,” Mark, 50, tells The Post. “She cleans the house and also watches the baby. She is almost like a house manager, cleaning lady and nanny rolled into one.”

Then the coronavirus pandemic swept the city.


  1. It’s easy to laugh at these people but I’m glad they are gaining a new perspective. Perhaps they will stop looking down their noses at stay-at-home housewives, homeschooling moms and dads, and just plain Joe Six Pack. Who knows, some of them might even vote Conservative. (Nah, that ain’t gonna happen.)

  2. Don't worry. They'll get over it.


  4. Millennial "Virtue signaling" comes in all shapes & sizes

  5. LOL... I agree with the sentiment.. little reality is good for people once in a while. Unfortunately SgtBob is probably right.


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