
Thursday, April 30, 2020

The coronavirus saves lives in Miami

MIAMI (Gray News/CNN) - For the first time since 1957, the city of Miami went at least seven weeks without a single murder. However, murders in the surrounding county have increased slightly this year.

The Miami Police Department released the statistics. The city did not report a homicide from Feb. 17 to April 12, its longest streak in 63 years.


  1. Not to worry. The natives will make up for it 2 days after the restrictions are lifted.

  2. So even the drug dealers are staying home? I wonder if any applied for the small business loan program and/or unemployment? What about the junkie's? How are they getting heir fix? Maybe they stocked up on drugs like the rest of the country did on toilet paper?

  3. yeah: that guy with two slugs in his chest and a head canoe? He died of coronavirus...


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