
Monday, April 27, 2020

Wait..... I thought only white folks could be racist

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — A man who said he was fed up with racism against black people was convicted of killing four white men in a race-related rampage in California’s Central Valley, prosecutors announced Friday.

Kori Ali Muhammad was convicted by a Fresno County jury Wednesday of first-degree murder, second-degree murder, attempted murder and other crimes, the Fresno County district attorney’s office said.


  1. Sad thing is, this perp will probably be welcomed as a hero once he's in prison.

  2. And the term 'Hate Crime' is never mentioned. Imagine that.

    1. Yeah, 'zactly.
      White boy rages against 4 spooks, he's in the KKK, hate crime, jailed for life.
      Some spear chucking mooslem convert goes all choppy-choppy on some crackers, plain old vanilla murder, DESPITE CONFESSING HE DID IT BECAUSE THEY WERE WHITE!!!!

      You ever been played by someone before? Recognize that feeling right now, don't you?

  3. Who is this "mohammed" fellow? He seems to be involved in a lot of murders these days.

  4. I remember this guy/case. You know how the press almost never reports race if it was a black criminal? Well, in this case they immediately reported that the guy is black, but did NOT report his being a Muslim. Now we know where each group stands on the intersectionality (victimhood) scale. Muslims are more victims than blacks. "You're welcome, black people. We have a new victim class to pimp now, so screw off." Signed, The Elites.

    "You ever been played by someone before?"
    The key thing to remember is that it's not the blacks who are playing us on this one.


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