
Friday, April 24, 2020

Wait..... Walmart has elevators?

WASHINGTON (WJLA/CNN) - A Walmart customer concerned with social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic but not wearing a face mask is accused of using pepper spray on other customers who were trying to board the same elevator.

Many Walmart shoppers at a Washington, D.C., location were trying to get on an elevator to the parking garage Monday when a woman without the required face mask got on first and tried to close the doors.


  1. Some have suggested that WalMart have an upper-level balcony with bars and restaurants so that people could watch WalMartians all over the store at once instead of the random ones you see at floor level.

    This might replace movie theatres.

  2. The elevator was in the parking garage. That aside, this isn't really surprising for something that happened at WallyWorld.

    1. Yes they do, in areas that get hotter than the hinges of Hell as my dad would say. They also have those specialized cart escalators. Kind of fun to watch.

    2. Honolulu Wal-Mart has this set-up too.

  3. Or a parking garage ?

    Just proves D.C. isn't normal.

  4. Must be an echo in here.


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