
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Well, that's pretty chickenshit of them

A city in Sweden is set to dump a ton of chicken manure in a central park to discourage crowds from gathering for an annual festival amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The move is an attempt to deter as many as 30,000 residents in Lund, a university town east of Copenhagen, from gathering in the park for traditional celebrations to mark Walpurgis Night on Thursday, The Guardian reported. The festival features parties and bonfires scattered across Europe.


  1. Faun: Walpurgisnacht

    Faun is a German band, but seeing as Scandinavia is nord-Deutsch, close enough.
    Walpurgis night (Valborg) is nominally the celebration of a Christian missionary turned saint, but I'll bet anything it is the take over of a much much more ancient celebration of Spring. (As the RCC incorporated all manner of pagan gods and holidays.)

    This literal chickenshit is NOT about "keeping people safe". It is deliberate destruction of white European customs and culture. Our Globohomo masters hate and fear whites (and that includes those of them who ARE white). Fuck 'em.

    1. Our tribes stood strong a thousand generations before 'civilization' was invented.
      We will stand strong a thousand generations after 'civilization' crumbles to dust.

      The latest ChiCom flu didn't hoax itself.

  2. I thought Sweden was the country that hasn't locked down anything? So, why would a city dump chickenshit in the park to keep people from going there?
    Is it actually locked down or not?

  3. Might be a great market for stilt makers.

  4. When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
    when the City gives you chickenshit, plant corn.

    lil jack

  5. And this is how a bird flu gets started...

  6. What some enterprising Swedish folks out to do is scoop it all up and dump equal parts on the front doorstep of each city council-critter and the mayor or whatever it is they have there.


  7. And the country people partied on and at 3am had a chicken shit diving contest.


  8. The stains & the odor will be there for ever, IF its concrete.

  9. You can be damn well sure they are doing nothing to stop the howling headbanging moonhowler's ramadamadingdong gatherings happening at the same time.


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