
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

When they 'earn' more by staying home drinking beer

A spa owner in Washington State was one of the lucky ones who received a forgivable loan from the Small Business Administration through the Paycheck Protection Program. Yet when she told her employees what she thought was good news, many of them became angry.
Black-Lewis held a virtual employee meeting to explain that everyone would start receiving paychecks again thanks to the loans, thinking her staff would be ecstatic to get their income back. Unfortunately, due to the flat $600-a-week increase in weekly unemployment benefits included in the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill, it meant some of her employees would earn more being unemployed than if they were to get their jobs back.


  1. Makes me proud to be a Merican. *sniffs as tears come to eyes.

  2. Looks like a lot of bottom-feeders have been landed on the Socialist hook.

  3. The owner needs to start advertising for NEW Employees ASAP. If these old ones are STUPID enough to demand their jobs back after the unemployment RUNS OUT. The owner should tell them too bad I replaced you and show them the door

  4. The bill was designed and written by Demonrats with little to no input from RepubliCONS what else should one expect.


  5. As usual, buying votes with other peoples money.

  6. CA Governor Newscum decreed that illegals will get money from the state, i.e., the taxpayer. A benefit is an absence of the annoying sound of leaf blowers and lawn mores in sore need of a tune-up. This state is going belly up. It will be great when this state is run into the ground but denied bail out from the fed. Even the sheep are starting to wake up.

    The other Rick

    The other Rick

  7. Ex-employees, if they were working for me...…


  8. This is a foretaste of Basic Guaranteed Income. Massive wage inflation followed by consumer price inflation.

  9. i thought if you turned down a job you lost your unemployment .

  10. Wages for working stiffs are way behind the times. You guys are yelling for poor WORKING folks to get back to work. Folks who will break their back and still need welfare.

    It don't add up anymore.


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