
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Your Thursday Morning Florida Report

PENSACOLA, Fla. (WKRG) — Two local doctors were arrested Tuesday after deputies say they stole a Trump 2020 flag from their neighbor.

Geoffrey Michael Fraiche, 41, Laura Ann Webb-Fraiche, 38, were arrested and charged with criminal mischief, trespassing, larceny and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.


  1. During the 2016 election I had two trump signs stolen from my front yard.

  2. And while being arrested, they probably exclaimed "You Can't arrest us, we're doctors, your betters" Most doctors are shit and I know intimately.

  3. They're not fit parents; take their kids away.

    They're not ethical enough to be doctors; take their medical licenses away.

    Then string them up for just being such atrocious Libtards.

    1. More like toss them in the can, and let them treat inmates with the Chinkypox.

  4. Their smug smiles will soon disappear. Hospital administrators do not like having impulsive people on staff. Insurance companies don't like covering impulsive people. Pensacola and the Fla. Panhandle in general is deep Trump territory. I see a long, sad job hunt in their immediate future.


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