
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

PALM COAST, Fla. – Deputies have arrested a 74-year-old Florida man who allegedly pointed a BB gun at golfers in Palm Coast.


  1. Christ on a piece of wood, we’re getting stupider by the hour!

  2. From last May until the first of this year I worked the gate at that place, a gated community with course called The Conservatory. I spoke with that man occasionally. He's not a nutter. There is video on Youtube that one of those he "endangered" recorded that day. It was a clutch of boys/young "men" that were acting the fool and set him off. You can hear and see them laughing and smirking at him and saying, "Chill out, dude" and such when he comes out with the BB gun.

  3. " You can hear and see them laughing and smirking at him and saying, "Chill out, dude" and such... "

    So they were Amish then?

  4. LOL. No, rich or acting/wannabe-rich white boys.


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