
Tuesday, May 05, 2020

60 percent? That's pretty dismal, isn't it?

BALTIMORE — The Baltimore Police Department's homicide cumulative clearance rate is currently at 60 percent.

Commissioner Michael Harrison gave an update Wednesday on the department's progress since the start of the state of emergency.


And here I was thinking that Baltimore was enjoying a respite from all their business as usual because of the coronavirus. I check a couple of Baltimore's news sites every morning looking for material to post and all that's been posted this last month or two was coronavirus news - no murders, drug deals, beatings, nothing but the MSM's latest crisis.
This article here was the first real news I've read about at the Baltimore sites in quite a while.


  1. When David Simon wrote "Homicide: A Year On The Killing Streets" in '91 60% was borderline acceptable.

  2. Compared with Chicago, it's a goal, almost unimaginable, to strive for.

  3. Now, if they would just DO something to them instead of a LIGHT jail sentence.

  4. Yeah Chi-town is running at a 15% closure rate, give or take. So your first 6 mueders are free!


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