
Thursday, May 28, 2020

And the clerk just stood there...

Fort Worth arson investigators are looking for the man they say walked into a hotel lobby and set the clerk on fire Sunday night.

Investigators shared surveillance video from the hotel on the 3700 block of Tanacross Drive and said it showed a man walk into the hotel and threaten to burn the clerk alive if he didn't turn over the cash.

The man then squirted a liquid through a small hole in the office's protective glass, covering the front desk, floor and splashing on the clerk.


  1. Why does the Debbie Boone hit song: "You light up my life" come to mind?

  2. There were also protests in LA in kalifornya last night, and more expected.

    off topic, looks like you're going to roll over on 9 mil page views this weekend, advance congrats.


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