
Friday, May 22, 2020

And people wonder why I carry a gun.....

A homeless man who allegedly and repeatedly struck a married Brentwood couple with a machete Sunday said the COVID-19 shutdowns prompted him to lash out and attack the two individuals.

Officials at the Nashville Rescue Mission also infuriated the man, Kelvin D. Edwards, 35, (pictured above) when they turned him away from their facility.

This, according to a statement Nashville officials put out Monday.


It's also one of the reasons I stay the hell out of Nashville.


  1. Don't tell me. Let me guess. Nashville is vibrating with diversity and is controlled by Democrats.
    How'd I do?

    1. "Vibrating" is one way to put it. More useful as a metaphor that nashville is pretty much a vibrator for diseased liberal pussy.
      Yea, 11 year resident of this shithole, a fact of which Mr. Wirecutter is kind enough to remind me of on a biweekly basis.
      And yet here I am
      Just a Chemist

  2. Gee...I wonder what race the victims were....

  3. Of course, as always, the color of the victims and the attacker had NOTHING to do with it? Aye, right!

    1. Unless a white person attacks a minority. Then it is RACCCCCIIIIISSSSTTT.

  4. If the machete wielder is homeless why would Wuhan Flu have anything to do with it?????

  5. 1. Lock him up.
    2. Throw away key.
    3. Problem solved!


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