
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

And this is coming from the most crime ridden state I've ever lived in...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing to significantly shrink the footprint of California's prison system, partly because of massive budget cuts prompted by the pandemic but also because of philosophy.

The revised budget he sent to state lawmakers this week envisions closing two state prisons in the coming years; cutting nearly one in five of the 43 inmate firefighter camps; and eventually closing all three state-run juvenile prisons.


  1. Let the criminals out of prison after massive gun and ammo control laws?

    I see problems on the horizon. But then again a black market ammo business might work as well.

  2. Good news for Tyrone, he don't have to worry about being locked up if he gets caught. Bad news is his victims aren't allowed to have a weapon to defend themselves.

  3. Great idea. Close 8 of the 43 inmate camps to save $7.4 million while giving $75 million of state money in Wuhantavirus checks to illegals. Absolutely brilliant.
    This at the same time the state is spending $240 million to purchase 12 Sikorsky Firehawk helicopters. And last I checked helicopters can't build fire lines like inmate crews can.

    Newsom is dangerous. May his home in Dutch Flat be the first to go in a wildfire this year.

  4. The land of the fruits and nuts just became the land of the downtrodden.....keep your powder dry and your weapons clean...."Better to apologize then to ask permission"....a phrase well remembered when confronted with an ethnic criminal and all you have is a (insert your weapon of choice here.......) in your hand....

  5. Not only is he looking to close down some prisons, but he as threatened make first responders among the first to be cut due to budget deficits. Not a good combination of events for the citizens of California.

  6. It's almost as if he's goading us into taking the law into our own hands.

  7. Newsom doesn't get the connection between "crime" and "criminals". I don't think any of his ilk have the balls to explain it to him.

  8. He is engaging in Washington Monument Syndrome. After having wasted CA budget dollars on "undocumented immigrants", and other Lefty projects, he is attempting to use closing prisons & releasing felons, reducing firefighters, and other cuts; to get the Federal government to replace the money wasted from the CA budget. If the Federal government doesn't come up with the money he has requested, the CA people will then suffer, and the MSM will put it on 24x7 to bash President Trump as "not caring".

    I'll note that CA isn't the only state playing this game. Illinois is also attempting the same thing.

    1. And Trump needs to tell every one of these governors to pound sand. Yet for some reason he won't.
      And you're correct. Every time they (CA governors) want more money they play the "we'll have to cut police/fire/teachers' game. Like they're actually going to fire their most reliable voting base/campaign contributors. Never happen.

  9. And ammo is in short supply.


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