
Thursday, May 21, 2020

China calls on US to pay its debts to the United Nations

China on Friday issued a statement calling on all UN member states to "actively fulfill their financial obligations to the United Nations," stressing that Washington owes the organization more than $2 billion.

"As of May 14, the total unpaid assessments under the UN regular budget and peacekeeping budget amount to 1.63 billion and 2.14 billion US dollars respectively," the Chinese statement said, citing a report from the UN Secretary-General's office and a meeting held on Thursday.


  1. Yeah, China can fuck off. Fuck off and die. Along with the UN.

  2. Screw China and the UN. We shouldn't be a part of that group at all. We need to kick them out of the US. NOW


  3. As then-Brigadier McAuliffe said at Bastogne,

  4. I have a better idea....kick the UN off our soil, minus the 2 Billion. Sieze their buildings in New York and lease them to Uzi for the manufacture of auto and semi-auto firearms.

    1. Turn it into public housing for the homeless in NYC.

    2. in the movie "heavy metal" back in 1981, the UN building was low-rent housing.

  5. Hey, China.....fuck you and you're little dog too.....

    1. speaking of dogs, when China speaks it sounds like a dog farting

  6. In the early 2000s, on US Highway 70 somewhere around Valliant, Okla., was a large billboard the message of which I had read about but until then never seen: Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

    1. I'll be damned, my maternal grandmother and her parents were from Valliant before they moved to California Grapes of Wrath style in the 1930s.

    2. Back in the '70's & early 80's, the Thompson family had a similar sign on their property facing US Rt 29 just South of Merrifield, Va. I was a kid at the time and didn't understand. The Thompson's farms have long since been planted with sub-divisions and shopping centers, but the message still rings clear.

    3. I remember that! They also had an huge statue of Nipper and a RCA Victrola - "His Master's Voice".

  7. Is it just me or is China acting all butt hurt about something?

  8. After recent events China is getting righteous about expenses? More countries should pull their payments to that left-dominated talking shop. Or, as someone else wrote: far queue.

  9. I read a week or two ago that a business in the US is holding paper on the former government of China...worth at this time (with interest) over $1-trillion.

    The PRC is still responsible for the debt: Lets demand they pay up.

  10. Have we ever charged the UN for the use of our troops, planes, carriers, etc...?

    Get out the checkbook MF's

  11. Kick us out !!!!! Pack up all your shit and deadbeat diplomats and move to fuckin Paris


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