
Friday, May 22, 2020

Free money, Primo

SAN JOSE (KPIX 5) — California’s program to give financial assistance to undocumented workers got off to a rocky start Monday. The 800 number for people to register apparently couldn’t handle the call volumes and most callers got a busy signal that lasted all day.


  1. Everyone should apply, since there can be no documented requirements for receiving the money.

  2. I called it to register my undocumented dogs that identifies as human Californian residents, and found the number has been disconnected

  3. Give them a bus ticket back to Guatemala or wherever they came from, but don't give them money to remain here. That's an illegal use of our tax money if there ever was one!

  4. “We” give money away all over the world. North Korea, Egypt and on and on.


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