
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

In other words, no bars can open

AUSTIN (Nexstar) — Texas restaurants can officially welcome back diners on Friday, May 1 at 25% capacity, and some bars with foodservice were hoping to open their doors, too.

But, Governor Greg Abbott’s phased plan only allows certain establishments to reopen, based partly on revenue.

Chris Porter with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission explained which businesses can now reopen, in addition to restaurants.


  1. Easy way to fix that...if you want a drink you have to buy an entree!

  2. It isn't any good to drink alcohol with a meal in Texas any longer. Those days ended almost 20 years ago. Now days all lazy lawdogs have to do is wait around cafes that serve alcohol and follow whom ever they please, pull them over and demand a breath test with a broken meter. Pig gets an arrest, victim sleeps a night in jail and can almost never beat the set-up, because MONEY.

    Texas discovered a DUI is worth about $20,000 in fees and fines. They ain't giving that kind of money up soon. fuckem


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