
Thursday, May 07, 2020

NJ dictator extends the 'public health emergency' another 30 days

New Jersey is extending its public health emergency over the coronavirus pandemic for another 30 days, Gov. Phil Murphy announced Wednesday.

Murphy signed an executive order that will keep the declaration in place through at least June 6.


  1. My lead story this morning as well. What a jerkoff this guy is.


  2. If these governors insist on extending these lockdowns then they should be forced to do it through legislation. This has been going on long enough that they should be able to get it coded into law, but with checks and balances put into place. Using executive orders in perpetuity is a blatant abuse of power.

    1. "An executive order, also known as a proclamation, is a directive handed down directly from a president or governor (the executive branch of government) without input from the legislative or judicial branches. Executive orders can only be given to federal or state agencies, not to citizens, although citizens are indirectly affected by them."

      Again, "Executive orders can only be given to federal or state agencies, not to citizens..."

      People don't know about this because the "TV" doesn't want them to know about it.

  3. New Jersey daily deaths peaked at the end of April. It's been on a downward trend since, with yesterday at 67% of the peak (305 vs. 458). This isn't about public health, it's about wrecking the economy.

  4. Oregon: Closed until July 7th

  5. Hey Kenny;

    They are doing it to crash the economy to try to torpedo Trump for 2020. These blue states are pushing the envelope hoping that the citizens blame "orange man bad" instead of the donks on election day.

    1. It was pure genius that the president let the mini Mussolinis take charge in opening their own states. It's on them. I say let them keep plugging along on the road they are on. I ignore their dictates anyway.

      The other Rick

    2. And then there's the fact that the longer this goes on the less attention anyone pays to Joe Biden.
      Have you ever seen an election year that mainstream media has paid so little attention to politics?


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