
Friday, May 08, 2020

Oh, for fuck's sake.....

Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan issued a rebuke of the armed protesters who gathered inside the state capitol last week in defiance of statewide lockdown orders, saying the demonstrators embodied some of the “worst racism” of the nation’s history.

“Some of the outrageousness of what happened at our capitol depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country,” Whitmer said during a Sunday interview on CNN’s State of the Union.


I'm not sure what protesting tyranny has to do with racism. The only thing I can think of is she just couldn't find another buzzword to counter with.



  2. Check out the graph.
    At the bottom, it states it can go backwards, robust testing, contact tracing, containment, high uptake of an effective therapy or vaccine.*455/Gov+Whitmer+MI+Safe+Start+Plan+graphic+WLUC+Copy+JPEG.jpg

  3. She still thinks she'll be spared any of the unpleasantness if the citizens are pushed too far. Like most of these wanna be despots they think the police will be the only ones who will have to deal with the fallout directly. They have yet to learn a cardinal rule of life: don't mistake patience for weakness.

  4. I keep seeing this copied everywhere, all mentioning 'swastikas and nooses', yet never see any pictures of the protest where either is shown. In all the 'protest' images I could find, the only swastikas were not in support of anything racist, but rather comparing the similarity of some government representatives' behaviors to nazi-ism.

    Now I'm not saying they weren't there, and no matter which side you're on, there's always going to be someone you wish WASN'T on your side, but until actual proof of this shows up, it seems to fall into the 'anyone who disagrees with me is RACIST!!!' trigger.

  5. I had considered going to this protest, but then caught some whispering that some were bringing guns,and so I chose to not go. But someone pointed out, that the 2nd amendment was actually written for exactly such a purpose as this.
    Guns were first and foremost intended to be used as a means of defending against an unreasonable government making unreasonable demands on it's citizens. So bringing guns to a protest, even though the protest was against some unrelated issue, was in fact, the exactly correct thing to do, and what our founding fathers would have though to do, had they been alive today. Although, they would have never allowed the government to get as out of hand as we have.


  6. "couldn't find another buzzword" She is a brain dead Demonrat, so probably.


  7. "This is not representative of who we are." I long for the day when politicians figure out that is one of the most dumbfuck phrases ever. But that would require some common sense, so forget about it.

  8. "Ray-ciss" is the go-to buzzword any dem uses when they have nothing else. For some, like Maxine Waters, it's the go-to buzzword even if they DO have something else!

  9. I'll show her racism... white on white guillotining or white on white gallows, white on white beat down. She has a pick. Afterwards her head on a 10' pike in the lawn in front of the state capital to warn and remind others what comes of tyrants.

  10. The thing that pisses me off the most, is that like global warming enthusiasts, Governor Whitless uses anything as a reason to justify her actions. Have a big, restrained protest at the capitol, extend house arrest another 2 weeks. Have a smaller protest,but with a few people carrying guns, extend house arrest for another 2 weeks.
    For global warming, have a horrible winter, blame it on global warming. Have a super mild winter, yep, global warming again.
    These people really do make it easy for me, a person who doesn't hate anyone, to really start to dislike them a lot. It used to be that the people on the left were just people with a different opinion and vision for the country. Now, the people on the left are truly evil.


  11. Whitmer is a leftist tyrant, but please leave the Nazi and Confederate imagery at home, it’s not helping the cause. Morons.

  12. In this day and age expect that the confederate flag will be seen as a symbol of racism, I don't care to argue if it really is, but that is how it will be seen.
    As to guns and swastikas, I'm guessing the swastikas were the accusation that the government is being fascist and the guns a "don't tread on me"statement. The democrats are as good as my ex wife (an ardent democrat)at projecting their beliefs and attitudes on their opponents. they have been pretty consistent in portraying conservative disagreement as "violence" against them.

  13. Actually, it's sexist - because they have a real cunt for governor.

    1. I think cunts like this have a basic problem: missing a clit.

  14. Hell, I just learned that the Hawaiian shirts I am fond of wearing are now considered "racist" by the commies.

    I'm more inclined to believe they are just saying that because the skin color under the shirt is white.

    Guess what? They'll pull my Hawaiian shirt off my cold dead body -- after climbing over a pile of their komrades.


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