
Monday, May 25, 2020

That's some low-down shit right there

Lindsey Graham, the owner of Glamour Salon in Salem, Oregon, has been harassed by numerous government agencies for reopening her salon despite Gov. Kate Brown's (D) stay-at-home order.

During a Friday press conference, Graham said multiple government agencies, including child protective services, have investigated her for wanting to reopen her salon and make a living.


  1. Not surprising. A Marxist governor who was a willing partner in the murder of an American citizen, LaVoy Finicum, would have no problem sending CPS, OR OSHA and the state licensing board to harass and threaten a woman who is doing nothing more than trying to keep what she's worked hard to build.
    I think come November we might see some interesting election results in these Democrat controlled states.

    1. In Oregon, it's gonna be worse. There's only one Republican who hasn't proven to be a Marxist, Kim Thatcher, is running for Sec State. In Oregon, the Sec State is next in line for govorner, and Kim's opponent, is in the pocket of all three public employee tax-feeding unions, and as OFF puts it "Shemia Fagan is angry, volatile and rude." Also rabidly anti-gun, as is most of the legislature. As for the Finnicum assassination, Kate punked the OSP into doing her dirty work for her, and they have yet to recover from the slight.

      RIP, LaVoy.

    2. Children's Services, here in Oregon, has to be one of, if not, the worst in the country. They are extremely biased, corrupt, and when they have a chance to do their job they often do not do it. If you know someone that works there then you can get away with almost anything. I would imagine, like any other agency or organization, there has to be some good people in there trying to do the right thing but that is rarely seen from my experience. And don't forget the possibility of extensive voter fraud.

    3. Even with voter fraud, I'm hopeful for two reasons-

      1- Hundreds of thousands of registered Democrats have recently attempted to purchase their first firearm and discovered what restrictions have been placed on that purchase by the party they have, up until now, supported.
      2- Every rally I have seen nationwide of people protesting Blue State lock downs have been attended by as many young people as older people. They won't be forgetting what the party in power in their states has done to them come November.

      I could be wrong. Been wrong before. We shall see.

    4. Zip-
      Today David Codrea linked to the Oregon Firearms Federation e-mail alert about Shemia Fagan. I'm sure hoping the people of Oregon don't make that woman their secretary of state. Sad day if it happens. She's Oregon's version of Gretchen Whitmer.

  2. Government - always caring about the little guy.

    That lady and the one behind her look like bad Mortal Kombat cosplayers, though.

  3. Deprivation of rights under color of law. Needs to find an ambulance chaser.

  4. That's one Lindsey Graham who actually does something.

  5. It's obscene how often CPS offices around this country blatantly ignore actual abuse and neglect by shitty parents, and even certain foster parents, while using legalized kidnapping to harass or threaten parents who step out of line.

  6. Replies
    1. She just Can't Understand Normal Thinking


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