
Monday, May 25, 2020

The Great, Steaming Heart of ‘The Swamp’ Beats in the U.S. Senate

Donald Trump was elected in 2016 on a platform that, broadly, called for draining “the swamp.” The definition of swamp, for the most part, was left to the listener, but generally, it was assumed to represent the established interests that dictated federal policy toward the ends of a few, and away from the benefit of the country.

This week, the depth, breadth, and scope of the swamp made itself clear.


  1. waitingForTheStormMay 25, 2020 at 8:16 AM

    This is the worst disaster of the reign of the kenyan boy god: a general and deep contempt for the rule of law. It has manifested itself in ever more egregious travesties of justice and empowered the petty tyrants instituting and enforcing the tyrannical lockdown orders. I grieve our country that was once grounded in respect for law and the rights of citizens.

    1. How about that new bill for $39 billion in aid to Israel during this plandemic?

  2. You know, tar and feathers, then hanging from lamp posts and bridge overpasses is where I am at. I was just for hanging or firing squad, but now I think the humiliation of tarring and feathering prior to hanging is justified.

    Steve in KY

    1. Then adding FIRE to the mix. LOTS and LOTS of FIRE!!!!

  3. he said he was going to "lock her up" and when he was elected changed it to "she has suffered enough" (1. no she hasn't, 2. tell that to those dead guys at Benghazi),
    his "new" election slogan is going to be "lock THEM up", and y'all going to buy it. They are ALL in that club where NOBODY EVER "gets locked up".


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