
Friday, May 22, 2020

There's gonna be a lot of surprised people soon enough

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned on Tuesday that individuals who reject an offer from their company to return to work after being laid off due to coronavirus are no longer considered eligible to receive federal unemployment benefits.

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I've only drawn unemployment once in my life but the conditions for me to do so was I had to be actively looking for a job, and I had to mail in a form where I listed at least 10 places per week where I submitted applications.

I know a guy who's laid off from his job making recreation equipment and there's no guarantee he'll be called back. Instead of looking for for another job, what's he doing? Fishing 6-7 days a week while drawing his $600+ a week unemployment and laughing that he makes more money fishing than he did working.


  1. Washington will pay you to fish for and kill pike minnows (squawfish) and the top earners in the program made over $80,000 a year for fishing for them. They also give away boats and trailers in drawings.

  2. So how in the hell is the gummit gonna be able to know which scofflaws turned down their jobs?
    Are employers 'sposed to become snitches at the risk of fines or some such shit?
    For documentation on how the gummit can't do nuttin right I give you USPS....

    1. Well since the employer pays for part of the unemployment an employee receives, yes, they should and would become the snitch. To save themselves from having to pay the pissant lazy individuals.

    2. File a report to the labor department of who was offered a job and who took one....pretty simple....maybe too know the government....

  3. When we lived in Maryville, Tennessee they were shutting down all the Radio Shacks. I was friendly with one of the clerks and asked if they would place him in another store. He said that he'd just draw unemployment and ride around on his scooter.

  4. In Canada anyone who kost a job because of covid is elligible for 2k a month of government hand outs.

    Except all the welfare people are collecting it even if they didn't have a job too loose. The drug dealers are naking big bucks what with their usually clients having an extra 2k a month to blow on meth.

    Anyone 1st natiobs also got it even if under 18. But i know teens with full time jobs who got let go and are not elligible.

    Its a horrible corrupt and abused program.


  5. Access Denied
    You don't have permission to access "" on this server.

    Reference #18.273de93f.1590159600.9f37aee

    Can't read the article....

  6. I don't know what the rules in Washington are now, but 12 years ago one was asked, "Did you refuse an offer of employment this week?"
    A "Yes" answer would stop the checks.

    I think the reasoning was that unemployment insurance is only for people who are looking for work, and if a person refuses employment, he isn't looking.

  7. I was thinking the same thing. The last time I was on unemployment, I not only had to have a list of companies that I applied to per week (either 7 or 10...I don't remember0, but the check was about 60 to 65% of the paycheck I actually earned,not the full amount and not more than I made working.

  8. I did right after I got out of the Marines. I already had a job lined up but I wanted my hair to grow out, buy my chevy truck, do one quick road trip, get drunk, sign up for night college and find a permeant house. I still had to turn in 3 places a week to the TEC showing I did an interviews. After 3 weeks I was ready to earn a living at $5.25 an hour.

  9. well, as this isn't France and most people here do have a healthy work ethic, I don't see a problem. those who don't wish to return to the job can do as they wish. the benefits do run out eventually. even so, I never understood the necessity for the benefit. and yes it is a good thing for those in need of it; but a serious vetting of those asking for it is in place and slackers are not welcomed except in Kaliphornia...

  10. The Demonrats arranged the bill that way so that if the wimp Republican Senate or President Obama objected to the extra amount the could could say "See? The Republican and/or President Trump HATE AMERICANS because they changed/vetoed the bill that we designed to bail you out."

    This was a pure political bill and had nothing at all to do with really helping out The People. Trust me the Demonrats are going to usre this during campaign latter this year.

    You can thank Botox Piglosi for this atrocity.


  11. I was on unemployment once, for about 6 hours when I was still living in Arizona. When my Dad died, we shut down our business. I figured I'd go file for unemployment to try and get some of that $13k our company had sitting in the unemployment account. When I was told the max benefits I would get was around $200/wk, I went out and got a job. So much for my vacation I had planned to take.

    But New Mexico pays up to $400/wk. With the FedGov kicker of $600/wk, you have folks who are pulling $56k/year in unemployment. Why even look for a job with that kind of money? Throw in food stamps and Medicaid, and you're probably looking at close to $80k/year.

    Damn, I'm even thinking about quitting my job and taking that vacation, now.

  12. In Michigan,years ago, you had to turn in a list of 3 jobs a week that you applied for. My brother had a friend who had two pitbulls. So one of the jobs my brother put on his list, was Johnson's animal breeders. I know, it is crazy. Now, if you are laid off and your employer tells you that it is for a predetermined time, say one week, you don't have to actively seek work. My previous employer did this often, to balance out the hours worked with the pounds of steel shipped with each month.
    One thing that is strange is that my family income is that we have more coming in now that I am retired than when I was working, due to my wife now getting social security.

  13. They closed down my site and shipped my job to India.

    A. I got unemployment, 18 months if I remember it correctly.
    B. I was getting severance, two years, 100% base salary. Plus a lump sum payment in four figures. (I told the Unemployment office I was getting severance, they said it didn't matter.)
    C. My wife passed away a few months after I was laid off, SS awarded me her Disability SS as a "survivor" benefit.
    I was making more money for the next two years as I ever had in my life.

    What a country! Enjoy it while it lasts.


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