
Monday, May 04, 2020

True Confessions of a Covid Denier

Mid March, just as a pending lockdown of the Dallas/Fort-Worth (DFW) area was being announced, I was turning onto I-30 heading back to Tennessee. My trusty Infiniti FX35 (aka “Missy”), with which I have weathered many client engagements, was full to the brim with client material, after what was to be a many-months onsite assignment was suddenly converted into remote. My one-month stay in DFW, my corporate apartment lying within view of the airport compound, managed to span the rise of the well over-hyped Covid hysteria, including seeing urban DFW natives converted almost overnight into preppers. Good for them, more on that later.


  1. The math doesn't lie, but there is not doubt the politicos and the media (Ministry of Propaganda) have lied through their teeth a lot lately. There are too many statistics and observations that have proven them to be liars. Why are the numbers constantly being changed? Are the numbers actually "real"? Why aren't the "essential workers" (especially those in the medical field) and the homeless dropping like used condoms at Spring Break (well there used to be a Spring Break)? I know I am not the only person who believes it is just wrong to put into place measures that allow hundreds of people to go into a Lowe's store (or other similar stores) simultaneously, but come Sunday morning it is forbidden to attend a "drive-up" church service (this is just one of the many examples of CONTROL exerted during this "crisis"). I am not denying that COVID-19 isn't real. It is. I do not think we have seen the last of it. Neither have we seen the last of the various strains of flu and viruses. I hope the writer is correct in his predictions about the globalist exposing themselves and committing suicide, but I have my doubts. I can say I honestly do not think this "pandemic" would not have occurred if there had been a demoRat sitting in the Oval Office. The leftist-commie-globalist have been trying to take down DJT since he announced his intention to run for the Presidency. We have seen they will stop at nothing, even if it means destroying the economy, in their attempt to keep him out of that office.

    1. We will have to "help" the commies and globalists commit their suicide.

  2. Jeffery and all... I am one of those 'essential workers' at Lowe's; and it's not hundreds - it's thousands. And that's what happens when you don't let kids go to school, parents go to work... and you close everything but grocery stores, Lowe's, and Home Depot. All those folks you'd normally see wandering around the mall? Do you think they stay home as they should, and only go out for essential items? Hell, no. Most days we have more kids running around the store than a day care center, while their parents wander up and down every aisle, making sure they purchase their essential needs - hummingbird feeders, flowers, window blinds... Hey, we get it; they're off work, at home, and looking to fix the place up. But we're there because we have to be, and don't see the wisdom in some of these decisions.

    1. I wasn't picking on Lowe's, etc. Anon. I realize folks have jobs to do. In these crazy times, having a job is a very good thing. I was just using it as an example, much like Home Depot, etc.

  3. I am convinced the Chinese released this virus intentionally....funny how the west responded exactly the way they would have wanted, but probably never dreamed would be stupid enough to actually do....I am sure the Chicoms are pulling for Biden in the election, in order to have another fucking corrupt asshole they can manipulate, and this may have the desired result, as Donald is renowned for not keeping his mouth in check, and he certainly didn't disappoint on that score....shit, all they have to do is put Biden's kid on the payroll and they're in like Flint....WTF, the democratic republic lasted for over 200 years, a good run as democracies go....I'm guessing that, at 70 years, I may live long enough to see the dream that was once the best hope for the common man cease to exist....

    1. Geezzz! You are only 70 and sound like you have given in to these commies. I'm older than you and will fight to the last man standing in need be.


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