
Thursday, May 07, 2020

Tyrants gonna tyrant

Oregon Democratic Governor Kate Brown announced that she is extending the state’s state of emergency declaration until the month of July, ostensibly maintaining a stay-at-home order for the next two months.

Brown is saying that she’ll have the ability to revoke the state of emergency before its planned July 6th expiration date. The original state of emergency order was enacted on March 8th, and would’ve expired on May 7th without an extension.


  1. I live in Oregon, and our Governor is a tyrant in the purest sense, giving our resources to corporate interests and not giving a crap about anyone outside the cities. We have less than 3000 cases and 120 dead, with almost all of the cases concentrated in the Portland/Salem area. She has shut down the state, and refuses to re-open the state until a vaccine exists.

    All I can say is, she better watch her ass if things get "spicy", 'cause there are a lot of angry, well-armed rednecks out in the sticks that will mop up her state cops and Antifa thugs. I'm a peaceful man, but she is seriously pushing people's limits.

    1. Does she know it takes 3-5 years to bring a vaccine to market if you have one ready right now?

  2. July 6, is there any doubt she's a communist why don't she just come out and say what she really means,fourth of July is cancelled screw you red blooded americand

  3. Fuck Oregon, they voted the Grinch into office. How's the "Oregon is totally ready for a (clueless) Dem lesbian Gov" edginess going down now? Spit.

  4. You can tell she's a democrat by her decision to keep it into force till after the 4th of july weekend.


  5. Dictators in multiple states are saying July 6th. Without looking at a calendar I could say the 6th is a Monday, aka, the day after the long weekend for Independence Day celebrations.

    This is planned. This is a conspiracy. This is to show how mighty is their power over you, plebe. This is to rub your nose in it.

    The other Rick

  6. I keep seeing people saying " you voted the bitch into office, now live with her."
    I live in Michigan, and we have Gretchen Whitless. I didn't vote the empress into office. The voting block down in the Detroit/southeast part of the state that has a large idiot population is the place to lay the blame, along with the other Democrat controlled areas like Flint, and up the east coast of the mitten.
    She comes on television 3 times a week, like clockwork, giving her latest decree over just what we are having shoved down our throats this time.
    Today she once again extended the prison term from May 15 until May 28. It doesn't matter to me,because I am ignoring most of her " rules." She also has a rule that you must wear a mask when out and about. She said that they won't enforce that, but that businesses can refuse entry to those who are not wearing a mask. I do have a mask in my car, and for places that I just must go, like to pick up a prescription at the drug store, I will wear it, if needed. The compliance rate here in my small city seems to be about 50%. I make sure that I stay far away from people, I am not trying to cause anyone to be angry or afraid. I just don't think that the masks are a real solution to the virus issue. It is certainly not an effective plan going forward. Common sense habits, mostly things like handwashing, several times a day, and also when finishing tasks such as bathroom breaks, cleaning in the bathroom, etc. For some of those cleaning chores, perhaps getting into the habit of wearing disposable gloves. Paying attention to touching raw chicken, and making sure that you use proper sanitation procedures. Things that you should have been doing already, are the kinds of things that are doable, and can be implemented by education, instead of threat of jail time. My parents owned a restaurant, for 30 years, and were just working class people. But when they went to a food show, and sat in on a sanitation class, at one of them, they came away both scared and with a new sense of just how easily it is to get food poisoning if you don't pay attention in the kitchen, especially in a commercial setting.
    Mostly I think that if you follow what we all should do anyway, you will probably be pretty safe. I mean, we are talking about a virus that has a mortality rate of at the high end 1-2%. It is not the Plague. I do know that while this virus may have been just random, it also fits pretty closely with any plan that the Democrats could have come up with to get Trump out of office, given the candidates that they have to replace him. And in my state of Michigan, our governor, Gretchen Half-Whit, is getting both free publicity, 3 times a week, and an audition for the VP on the ticket. Of course, given the bad publicity of the Patriots storming into Lansing to protest her decrees, she has lost some of her shine.
    Like the saying goes, May you live in interesting times. The times are certainly that.


  7. If we are pondering conspiracies, the meat post earlier got me thinking. Last fall and early winter we were bombarded with stories about all the new fake "meat" getting ready to hit the market. From the test tube grown stuff to the plant based to insects as protien, fake meat was every where you looked.
    Now 6 months later livestock is being slaughtered and buried in the field, processing plants are being shut down and real meat is being rationed. Are they going to come to us in a couple months with the all new vegan burgers and grasshopper loaf?

    1. Nice catch,Chris. I don't think that there is such a thing as coincidence anymore. Not when things line up so closely.



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