
Thursday, May 07, 2020


SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – In order for more members to get the items they need, Costco is limiting meat purchases per customer.

Costco announced that they will limit beef, pork and poultry products to three items per member.


There's meat shortages at the Walmart here in Lafayette, if you can call it that. I mean, there's meat, just not the number of selections they had before all this shit started. Plenty of pork, not so much beef. You buy what they've got, not what you want.
I'm not seeing it at the Piggly Wiggly here in town, though.


  1. Walmart in houma only had ground beef and a little chicken, but plenty of pork. Rouses seems to have everything .

    1. Rouses always has everything. Zuppardo's is even better, but that's a piece from you.

  2. I went yesterday. Beef and pork stocks were OK maybe 75% of what would be normal as far as qty's go. Chicken is still a disaster. Few cuts and quantity. The rest of the store was pretty well stocked, except spaghetti. Spaghetti is at about 50% of normal for shapes and qty's. Spaghetti sauce is about 60% of normal for quantity.

    NO BLEACH. There hasn't been any bleach at this store since end of January and no one on staff knows when there'll be more, I spoke to the grocery manager about it. He said that all bleach stock is being diverted to health care.

    In other news, it's cold as hell here for almost mid May. 42 this morning ~6:30. It's still cool inside, currently 65. I refuse to turn the heat on. The sun'll warm things once it swings around to the south more.

    I wonder what this cold will do to the growing season.




  3. SF meat shortage? As long as Pet Smart doesn't put a limit on the purchase of gerbils there won't be a panic.

    1. Careful with them SF gerbils.
      You don't know what's been injected into them.

    2. I’d be more worried about “where they’d been”, if you take my meaning...

  4. Meat here in East Tennessee looks to be OK. Some cuts were missing (NY Strips) but Ribeyes were plentiful. Same goes with Chicken, Pork and Hamburger.

  5. A whole empty bay at the local Market Basket - mostly pork cleaned out. But purchases of beef and chicken are limited to two of each type per customer.

    Going back today. Freezer's almost bursting, but I have two kids to feed (beyond myself and the wife) and meat protein and fats are essential to healthy kids.

  6. go to the Amish I just got 35# ground beef 85-15 at 2.50 a pound. Any steak is 6.75 a pound and pork tenderloin is $3 a pound.

  7. I spent $200 of my Trump Check on canned beef, chicken, pork, turkey, and tuna. I think it is cheap insurance. Life without meat sucks. Of course fresh or frozen is better.

    Shooting and skinning the squirrels in the back yard is too much work for the return on meat.

  8. It pays to have friends with cows. Wirecutter, if you need some beef, let me know, I could swap some for some eggs.

  9. Sam's Club (Columbia SC) had plenty of beef but had a "limit One" sign posted. Near zero pork save for a few packs of bone-in thin sliced chops. No TP either. The guy said the one pallet of TP they put out in the morning sold out immediately. We're still hoarding TP?

  10. Kroger has started meat rationing. Was just in one, meat stock were low for freash meat. Still plenty of hot dogs, sausages, and bacon.

  11. "What's the big deal?
    There is no shortage of tofu."

    Virgin N. Vegan


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