
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A model citizen for sure

A career criminal with more than 100 arrests to his name was busted for cruelly shoving a 92-year-old woman into a Manhattan fire hydrant — leaving his victim too scared to walk alone in her own neighborhood.

The injured elder, a Bronx native named Geraldine, spoke to The Post on Tuesday after cops arrested convicted sex offender Rashid Brimmage, 31, and charged him with attacking her.


  1. Just trying to turn his life around by helping the elderly find new directions!

  2. "He was given a desk appearance ticket for the bust and ordered to return to court at the end of July."
    He was turned loose....

    1. The judge needs to have his ass beat.

  3. With over a hundred arrests, wtf is this guy doing on the streets. Anybody who attacks a 92 year old should at least have his kneecaps broken.

  4. Rashid? I didn't have read any further.

  5. If Mayor DiBlasio had a son, he would look like this guy. Wait, he does have a son that looks like this guy.

  6. He should have been tied down and she given a baseball bat.

  7. Just another humble, hard working Amish guy helping an elderly person enjoy her day. Oh wait, he's a black career criminal. What else would he be with a name like Rashid.


  8. Brimmage, was released twenty minutes after booking due to the "no bail" laws passed in New York......

  9. I am all for second chances and all that. But your 99th arrest should come with a free public hanging.

    1. You're too generous. It should happen much sooner.

  10. Hey Kenny;

    yep another citizen of deBlasio's New York....

  11. When I first saw this video, the first words out of my mouth were, “ I would seriously fuck that mutherfucker up”. And still would.

  12. I have a solution. Shoot him in the face. Twice.


    1. I am generally not a violent person, but I volunteer to shoot the second shot. I saw this video a few days back, and I could hardly believe that there was anyone so cruel and uncaring that could do this. Over 100 arrests, and the jackass is still breathing my free air?
      I have a friend who is a dairy farmer, who has a slurry tank that they transfer all their manure into. I bet if the jackass was tossed in there, it would digest his body in less than a month. Not volunteering, just saying.
      I have a different friend who raises pigs. I stood next to one of his sows, and I could not believe how damn big they are. No doubt that one or two of them would eat a man alive in less than a couple of hours, with nothing left to find. Again, not volunteering, just an observation. Trivia like that is just things that I have picked up over the years, you know,for fun.


    2. My first thought: right between the eyes; doesn't matter with what-hammer, baseball bat, S&W-all would work fine.


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