
Monday, June 08, 2020

Abolishing the Police Is Becoming a More Popular Idea Among Left-Wingers

Support for abolishing or defunding the police is quickly gaining support among left-wingers.

Prominent liberal figures are increasingly embracing the radical idea amid the nationwide protests and violence following the death of George Floyd.

Former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, who now leads left-wing group Demand Justice, tweeted out his support for defunding the police on Wednesday.


Yeah well, while I believe that police oftentimes do overstep their authority, I don't believe these idiots understand what will happen if police forces are abolished. I mean, do they actually believe that criminals will live and let live? Sure, ordinary citizens don't need to be policed for the most part, but criminals have no conscience and will take advantage of everybody they can.


  1. 1. I support liberals abolishing their police departments.
    2. I understand that are large number of police are willing to help by taking early retirement.
    3. Abolishing the police transfers all power to men.

  2. The only reason people call the police is because they come. If they stop coming, people stop calling, and criminals get shot or hung.

    The real job of the police is to keep citizens from killing criminals who can be rehabilitated.

    Steve in KY

    1. Except what happens when your house is robbed and there is no one there to stop it? Security systems don't stop them, locks and such won't either. Are you going to investigate and figure out how to get your stuff back, including your most favorite heirlooms passed down through the family?

      That and a million other scenarios happen in real life. If you're talking shooting and hog tying everyone who trespasses the law you're talking anarchy or at least vigilante justice. No, if enough of that happens everyone will become straight up law abiding. Human behavior doesn't work that way. They'll just get more organized and bring a large posse next time. I would not want to live in that place.


  3. If you think cops are pigs, next time you're in trouble, try calling a hippie.

    Classics always stand the test of time.

  4. I could find some common ground with those screwheads.

    1.) Defund and disband the FBI and the ATF (Lavoy Finicum, Vicki Weaver, and the Branch Davidians are on board with this idea, too.)

    2.) Remove "Qualified" or "Sovereign" immunity from individual cops.

    3.) Get rid of "no knock" warrants or "knock and enter" warrants. If you're worried about Joe Scumbag flushing his stash down the toilet, then your case is too flimsy to worry about, anyway.

    4.) Disband all public service unions, including the Police and Firefighter's unions.

    1. I can support that, but I think the FBI does have a law enforcement and investigative role, but gotta get em outta politics

    2. Get rid of asset forfeiture and you are getting close.

    3. I am in agreement with all 4.

      #1 The FBI has been corrupt since day one. ATF has learned from the FBI.

      #2 'Hey, do you wanna kill people and not go to jail for it?'
      'Hell ya! Who wouldn't!

      #3 These have been the death of good policing. No pun intended.

      #4 has brought ruin to many a city and town, and in CA and IL, those collective bargain agreements are killing the states due to laws which opened the door wide for ever larger pensions. I go further to say no unionization of any government employee - local, state, federal.


    4. On the immunity question. I have a suggestion Individuals and cities lose their immunity if the do not follow and implement the most advanced training techniques and policies. IAW the decisions made by the courts.

  5. Abolish the police? Who's gonna enforce the "red-flag" laws and confiscate our guns then?

    1. The corrupt "militia" they get to take the place of the police.

    2. Schlomo Shekelstein and his Crip squad.

  6. Surely no one with the IQ of rock really believes that "Defund The Police" signs just sprouted throughout the country spontaneously. This is just the most recent George Soros-funded attempt at spreading chaos.

    None of those idiots in the "protests" have ever been introduced to the concept of cannon-fodder, even though that's what they've been used for ever since 1789.

  7. And which party will the police union ask their members to vote for this fall ?

    1. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.


  8. Most of those calling for the abolishment of police forces don't give a hoot about George Floyd. They just want free reign to pillage, burn and rape at will.

    1. For sure they have not thought this through. By making everyone 'equal', they equip the bad guy to the same level as the good guy. Bad will just get worse. Of course I mean evil.


  9. It'll have to be nonpunishable open season on the animals.

  10. Just another example that proves liberalism is a serious mental condition.

  11. I wonder how long it will be before these same folks doing away with the police will be begging folks like us to come save them from the depravities of the criminals they enabled?

    It will be something right out of Rorshach's journal:

    "The world will look up and shout, 'Save us!' And I'll whisper, 'No.' "

    1. The greatest thing I have seen out of all this is commie libs getting antsy so they go to buy a firearm for their first time. Then last out when they find the laws they favored did not allow them to walk out with it the same day. And when they decide they'll just borrow a heater they run into the law again for in some states it it illegal to loan a gun to non-family.

      Life is harder when you're stupid.


  12. I believe they DO know what will happen.
    Reason being, once authority is removed from one
    direction, it always comes from another direction.
    Power always fills vacumms, and this will be no different.
    This new direction will be in the for of marxism.
    For they're speaking of "Social Quick Response Groups".
    Remember, the obama boys wanted to bring forth a group
    of, "equally well armed and equipped, to the military"
    civilian response forces ?
    Well, this is what they're talking about.
    The Red menace is here and they're trying to assume control.
    Regardless what happens, from this day forward, things will
    NOT end well. "Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves."

    1. Exactly why Bernie has his Brown Shirts all lined up and ready to go.

    2. That's what they HOPE will happen. Apparently they do not know, or they discount it if they do know, that there are over 600 million firearms in private hands. No one knows the exact number and no one knows where they all are.

      Also, I have seen on various blogs how the troubles here are compared to what happened in many other countries. This tidbit is used to support the idea that America will go down in the same way as those other countries. But not one of the writers on those other blogs mentioned the enormous firepower in private hands. America truly is the exception. Those idiots calling for death to America will fall in the fire which they have started. They have full faith in their marxist ideals. They are not only stupid but blind.


  13. See, this is why the lack of westerns in today's movie atmosphere is a serious problem.

    They show what happens where there's no sheriff or if the sheriff is owned by corrupt people.

    1. They also showed the hanging one would get for fucking up.

    2. One of John Wayne's earliest movies is him riding the range with a small band of cow punchers. They hear about a rogue band of outlaws but are too small a force. So they ride from town to town informing townsfolk of the coming trouble. As they do they increase the size of their band so they can put down the bad guys. You know how the movie ends.

      Sure, just a movie. But that's what happens in real life. Even the real life outlaw Joaquin Murrieta with his gang of thousands was put down by the people.

      Kenny would be interested in the Wayne movie since many of the towns and shooting locations are in the Sacramento Valley.


  14. We will always need someone to do the dirty work. Abolishing the cops will only open us up to vigilante law. We will plummet into a third world where oposing factions will fight each other for turf.

  15. one question for the defund crowd...
    say a scum bag sticks a gun in your face and demands all your valuables. you give up your wallet, rings, and watch...he runs away leaving you shaken but alive....
    now what do you do??

    1. Cry like the bitch he is...oh, was I supposed to answer :)

    2. Accept responsibility for your privilege causing the crime. In fact, it becomes your duty to be ready and willing to fund more freelance wealth redistribution.

    3. Furiously pound on my keyboard as I tell the facebook about what happened!

    4. Go change my wet pantyliner???

    5. You do as a friend did:

      While on leave from his ship he wandered into NY City. Accosted by a bad guy with a gun, he gave up his valuables. As the thief walks away, he calls out, 'Hey, you forgot something.' The thief walks nearer and my friend shoots the guy in the gut. He got maybe 10 feet before he keeled over. The police came and took him in. They questioned him a bit then said, Thanks. No charges.



  16. Then they wonder why the left wing loons want to defund the police. This kind of bullshit along with the senseless killing of unarmed black and white people where the cops are not punished for their malfeasance is why.


  17. Try this instead, we won't defund the police, we'll just withdraw them from your neighborhoods and leave you to it. If you call 911 it won't answer. We'll protect those who want it.
    See how you like living in Mogadishu.

  18. Defund/ dismantle the police. Many people will be voting on this matter twice; once at the ballot box and the other with their feet. What is going to happen to the tax base when people start moving out of Minneapolis? AMF Minneapolis.

    1. The demand to abolish the law enforcement Minneapolis & replace it with community based groups is a smoke screen for sharia law in the Twin Cities. Dearborn Michigan would be next. Columbus Ohio has a significant Somali population also. There are others.

  19. Anyone, including LE that kneel before these Thugs, Junkies, hookers, thieves and jungle scum communists deserve everything these Jungle Commies and there Wh-ite Commie sympathizers are gonna give you....your kids and your women.

    Fuck them
    Fuck those that kneel

    Understand this, it has ZERO to do with equality, fairness or race....
    And everything to do with Free Stuff and Special Social Standing.

    Well Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that and all that have bowed to the Communists.

    Had the junkie not had fentnyl in his system and other drugs...perhaps that worthless skin sack would still be alive.

    1. Doesn't matter. They have dozens of others lined up to take the fall and cause $billions of damage. All in the plan.

  20. I don't go to big cities and my rural county will handle itself just fine with the Sherriff and the couple of deputies we have. Defund the big city police so I can watch the show on television and laugh my ass off.

    Jeremy P.

    1. HAHAHA, Where we live is at the opposite corner of the County from the County Seat. We see a sheriff maybe once a month. If you call them, it takes them an hour to arrive, if they come at all. And if the call is about the drug dealer down the street making too much noise at 2 AM, will forget all about it. Drug dealers and wetbacks are protected in our part of Medina County, Texas

  21. The left REALLY don't want to refund/disband police departments. What they actually seek is to replace the existing personnel with THEIR handpicked fanatical brownshirts who will do THEIR bidding. Then it's off to the boxcars for anyone who opposes them.

  22. Remember when Obambi was calling for a national police force?

    Well, the turd-colored usurper never went away....


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