That will fry anything in your house with a circuit board! Wonder if they had globes of electricity in their houses. We got that one time after a near strike. Raised the hair on your arms, too as they crackled.
Hate those close ground strikes. Had about $300.00 worth of meat ruined (incl. 2 limits of fresh frozen rainbows, dammit) while were traveling when a near ground strike tripped the GFCI breaker in the garage and turned the power off. CC
Any idea where this was?
ReplyDeleteThat will fry anything in your house with a circuit board! Wonder if they had globes of electricity in their houses. We got that one time after a near strike. Raised the hair on your arms, too as they crackled.
ReplyDeleteThat little sliver of lightning coming into the back yard is cool. I bet even that would smart like the Dickins if it hit you.
ReplyDeletePuts a whole new emphasis on the term "Holy shit!"....
ReplyDeleteHate those close ground strikes.
ReplyDeleteHad about $300.00 worth of meat ruined (incl. 2 limits of fresh frozen rainbows, dammit) while were traveling when a near ground strike tripped the GFCI breaker in the garage and turned the power off.