
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

And she didn't demand a search warrant...

Police were called to a Baltimore County, Maryland, home after school personnel spotted a BB gun in the home during a virtual class session.

Fox 45 News reports that the BB gun was seen in an 11-year-old boy’s bedroom, and the boy’s mother, Courtney Lancaster, said shortly thereafter police were knocking on her door.


  1. She is lucky that she did not have an attack drinking straw in her soda.

  2. Seems like a pretty neat and tidy ready made lawsuit against the school. She messed up by consenting to the search so she won't have any way to get the police. But the school should be taught a lesson in civil rights.

  3. Could have been an actual gun, not the business of the school or the principal. Nosy MFers.

  4. "We can talk outside" and close the door behind you.
    Not your friends
    Not your friends
    Not your friends.

  5. You don't talk to cops, and you sure as hell don't let them in.
    People live in a dream world.

    1. waitingForTheStormJune 18, 2020 at 6:43 AM

      I don't know. We had two deputies from Allen Cty KY show up once, looking for a murder suspect that was reportedly hiding in my house. They were extremely polite and we talked for 10 minutes on the front drive. Since we had all of our teeth, they left.

    2. Cops in our area are a different breed. We had some problems a few months after we got here and a deputy was sent out. He ended up staying for about an hour after we discussed the issue, just sitting on the back porch laughing and joking, talking about dogs, fishing and guns. He still greets me by name whenever we run into each other in town.


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