
Friday, June 12, 2020

Antifa Militia Wing Says They Believe in Abolishing ‘Everything, Including the Police’ in New Project Veritas Video

Project Veritas on Tuesday released a third installment of the #ExposeAntifa series, in which members of the militia wing talk about abolishing everything, including the police.


  1. Pres Trump needs to get ATF on these assholes and charge them with a bunch of RICO crap. I believe it will point to Geo Soros, but we can try him before The Hague for international espionage.

  2. Funny how a group that wants to abolish guns, rules and police calls for guns to defend their perimeter that they established with fencing and barricades go get themselves a warlord to maintain order. Also the blm assholes are pissed at the anarchist types because they are staying too stoned, looking like that new country is having growing pains already.
    Fucking dumbasses.... SMH

  3. It's just a matter of time before some of us will need to poke holes in them.

  4. give then enough rope, problem will solve itsself

  5. Hahahahahaha…Yeah right. Fuck-em.

  6. Having not yet watched the video I will say this is all a set-up. This way they get to blame everything under the sun for their failure.


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