
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Bend over, Californians - here it comes again

California’s gas tax is set to increase July 1, but some lawmakers are calling for a freeze on the higher levy, citing the financial burden of the coronavirus-spawned recession on millions of the state’s residents.

The automatic increase pegged to inflation — the third increase in the last four years — comes as a long-simmering dispute over the gas tax law enacted three years ago has again flared up at the state Capitol.


  1. Soon they will pull into gas stations and say, gimme 50 dollars worth of tax and while yer at it put 10 bucks a gas in the tank.

  2. California still has to be sucking wind revenue wise. Things I notice in my county. Gas station, not that busy. I'd guess down 50% of normal. Coffee shops, empty. They just reopened gyms in my county. Figured it would be a zoo. It's not. Dead empty. Movie theaters are still closed. Many restaurants are still pick up only. Home Depot, vacant. Grocery stores, busier than hell. People are staying home. Maybe they decided they liked staying at home. But the bottom line is Gavin's wallet is empty. Now lets pray for no Fed Bail out. I for one am counting on critical mass to fix this state.

  3. 2 years gone, don't miss it.

  4. Let's do the math, shall we?
    3.2¢ this year + 5.6¢ last year + 12¢ in 2017 = 20.8¢ for a total of 50.5¢ per gallon.
    Which means before the increases the tax was 29.7¢.
    Which means in four years the tax has increased 70%. And the people voted for it.
    The people of California are idiots who are incapable of doing math.

    BTW, at the same time they voted to increase the tax on gasoline they also voted to increase their annual vehicle registration fees by $75 to $250 a year, which is the primary reason
    Gray Davis was recalled in 2002.
    The people of California are idiots with short memories.


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