
Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Brainwashing and the New Vocabulary: 12 Words and Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again

Remember how after September 11th happened, there was that nasty bill that formed the TSA and authorized all sorts of surveillance against the American people and they called it, ironically, The Patriot Act?

Of course, we knew then that the bill was anything but patriotic, however, that didn’t stop it from being passed and trampling all over the Constitution. The word “patriot” was perverted by those in power who wanted everyone to fall into lockstep with the unconstitutional searches at airports and many other invasions into our privacy.


  1. If you weren't forced to in school, or haven't yet of your own accord, go read 1984 by George Orwell.
    They are controlling your thought and ability to express and articulate yourself by controlling your language. Thats what all this 'triggering' and 'micro-aggression' ideas are about: controlling you! Make it impossible to express dissent, there will be no dissent (can you speak freely on instatwatbook? Or is your language being filtered and controlled?
    Guess what, you ain't free sucker.

    Now is the time to refresh the tree of Liberty. She thirsts for the blood of tyrants. Its a shame heroes, fathers, and sons must carry the burden. Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!

  2. Some of my favorites are:
    Diversity, We don't say that anymore, My pronouns are______, Religion of peace
    You can't say that word, Privilege, That's racist, I identify as _______, Vegan

    1. regarding "religion of peace": peace, as they use the term, means the peace you feel when you surrender entirely to the will of allah. peace does not mean you do you, and I do me. true peace, to them, will occur when the last holdout infidel surrenders entirely to the will of allah.

      they know they use the word in an entirely different way, and commit fraud by omission by not telling you what they really mean.

  3. I do not use any of those words or phrases. Nineteen years ago, when we suddenly became un-safe, somebody said in my presence: "Nine-one-one. It's like a wakeup call." I thought: "Whaat?" The second time I heard it I said, "Don't say that. It sounds stupid." Reason why "social distancing" has not changed my life. Except for haircuts.

  4. Good article, right up to the part where she started taking rhetorical shots at the cops. I don't care if she doesn't like cops. What exactly does she expect them to do in the middle of a riot? Hand out daisies?

  5. The "progressives" are real good at "projection". That's when they accuse you of doing exactly what THEY'RE doing, and that irks the shit out of me. And how many of you know the so-called "patriot act" was written up by the PNAC boys long before 911. They had it all ready to drag out and impose. IMO we should roll things back to prior-911, which means busting up the DHS, disband the TSA (let the airlines handle their own security), and stop letting foreign agents (like Chinese "students") into our country. About 1/16th the number of visas should be granted and then only from 1st world countries.

  6. I, personally, was sick of hearing the cheerful catchphrase "Black lives matter," even before it became the slogan of terrorists who are burning down the cities my ancestors built. I am sick of... well, let's say, Orcs. I have "Orc fatigue."

  7. Short video "war of the words"

    Truth. Words matter i.e. how could we NOT want "affordable healthcare"?

    We knew better, nothing is free or cheap.


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