
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Comments from 4Branch on the Future

I expect suicide vests to be deployed here, car bombs as well. IED's, RPG's, the whole gamut. They have a hundred years of Communist experience and practice behind them. They will find people to carry out such tactics. I believe we'll see moto shooters and bombers, and I believe we'll see Chemical and Biological attacks on water supplies, food supplies, medical supplies, etc. Most of you are not old enough to remember the murderous Communist violence in a hundred places in the last century . . . but I am, and do.

Expect attacks on Churches, schools, clubs, restaurants, theatres, stores, busses and subways. Cultural attacks are already underway with the assault on Confederate monuments and memory. The days of leaving the unit unguarded while you check out a scene are over. Ambushes, decoy calls, are coming. They will ramp up their sowing mistrust among Police and troops.

We will end up as South Africa did, as South Vietnam did, with loyal troops of minority peoples, but lose anyway. You'll see the Guard disarmed and effectively 'stood down'. Already plans to disband the Police are moving forward. They'll set up their own 'Militia' for routine duties and you'll see Political Police established to handle the 'disinfection' of the population. By then,
you will have become 'Enemies of the State', Traitors, Wreckers, and you will be eliminated.


  1. You're talking about Democrat members of Congress here, ain't you?

  2. kinda off topic, but I cannot look at any web page with a black background like his, it kills my eyes... He is losing possible readers with it. I have talked with many others who feel the same way.

    1. I've known Brock and his web page for a long time and if anything he is gaining readership. The ones that lose readers are the ones that insist on being "edgy" and have weird colors and dark backgrounds and dark fonts so us old eyes have difficulty.

    2. Same problem with black text bg. Copy and paste into notepad or email is my workaround.

  3. Nope, they're too lazy. The danger comes from without, not within. I'm thinking Geo Soros.

  4. Will it be ugly? Yes. Will there be mass casualties? Yes. Will The United States as we know it break up and cease to exist? In all probability, yes. Will there be population transfers hearkening back to Eastern Europe after both world wars? Again, in all probability, yes. In many areas of the country, will your skin be your uniform? It already is in parts of some cities. This will only increase. Do I wish that this had all happened and been done with before my daughter was born? Hell yes.

    Diverse peoples and cultures cannot exist in the same nation without violence, unless one of those cultures is clearly and unequivocally regarded as superior. Look at the Middle East once the British and French left, Africa, Asia, the old Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia. They all had diverse cultures forced together at gun point and after that gun was removed the real violence started. Hell, Czechoslovakia split apart, but at least that parting was peaceful.

    The US is well past the Czechoslovakia stage. We are just about at the Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Iraq stage. I imagine the end result will look roughly like the "11 Nations of North America" map, but with the Tidewater and New France absorbed by one of the other sections.

    1. Might be time for Texas to make another go at running its own show again.

    2. Two things here:
      If Texas leaves, California will not survive its own agenda.
      And if Texas DOES go, can Alberta and Saskatchewan join them?

  5. Well this is the dialectic.
    It’s always been about guns.
    It is all coming down to guns.
    In Our America the Rifle is the center of Our history.
    Our cause we leave to G-d and our Rifles.
    Expect no less than it will be the center in the unpleasantries to come.

    One perspective on expecting how the neo-bolsheviks will escalate, not, necessarily how events will turn out. You get the general drift. The finer details will sort themselves out in the natural order of things.
    It is always best to be forewarned in order to be forearmed.
    Regardless they are dangerous and vile, their masters ruthless, all are sociopaths or worse psychopaths. Destruction of America by any means their objective. And destruction it is, nothing less. The truth is not too far from this. There are really only so many ways they can advance their agenda and that is the limiting factor in the equation. So yeah, at worst, and this certainly is very good advice, a cautionary piece of insight and advice. History is very much circular with THEM.
    They WILL get around to the unsecured spaces, ie, rural agrarian areas.
    Out here lives those who they fear more than anything, people who are self reliant, self sufficient, they live as Freemen, unaffected by spread of urban and suburban metro chaos, most of all it’s the heartland of the dirt people, very hard to intimidate and kill, in fact most are born with a rifle in their hands and know how to hunt living things and kill them. Come here and expect to become the hunted. Your bones we will bury, and only the trees and worms will know where they lay.
    Check Zeroes.
    Hips & Heads guys.
    Always give em’ a security shot.
    Just to be sure.
    Nobody is coming to save us but us.
    Be The Legion.
    BFYTW …

  6. Sounds like we're gonna have our own cultural revolution soon. Someone shakes a little red book in my face will get their hand chopped off


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