
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Fucked around and found out

DELTA TWP. – A Grand Rapids-area man was killed Monday after firing a handgun into the air and at vehicles on Saginaw Highway, police said.

The Eaton County Sheriff's Office had received several reports that the man, 26, had been walking and firing his gun on Saginaw Highway at about 8:25 a.m. Monday, Sheriff Tom Reich said.


  1. He done be made good.

  2. Why does it matter what color the two people involved were? Is the shooter who defended himself more or less correct based upon their color? And don't you dare call it yellow journalism.


  3. We have a problem here. First, as Unknown wrote, what does color matter? Second, "The man who was killed is Black and the driver is white..." So now reporters are giving superlatives to specific ethnic identities? The old question: What if it were reversed?

  4. I love a story with a happy ending.

    1. Me too. It's like Sheriff Grady Judd once said, "If you start pointing guns at us you can not only plan on, but you can guarantee that we are going to shoot you".

  5. Goddam. Even THIS is a GTR story.

    And yeah, "Black" is capitalized and "white" isn't -- because that is partial repayment for thousands of years of oppression.

    After all, Blacks built this country. Did you know that Negroes built the railroads? And Mt Rushmore, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Empire State Building. Also they had to dig the Grand Canyon out by hand merely to create a tourist attraction for the benefit of oppressive whites. (True story, no shit. Five thousand years ago there was no canyon. It was just flat land before evil whites forced Blacks to start digging.) And there wouldn't have been a space program if not for the brains of sassy (and strong, proud) Black women. Let's face it. Compared to the incredible intellect of Blacks, whites are like brane-damijd monkeys with end-stage syphilis.


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