
Monday, June 29, 2020

Go fuck yourself, Joe

Former Vice President Joe Biden floated the idea Thursday of issuing an executive order requiring all Americans to wear masks to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Wearing a mask can make the difference between life and death in some circumstances, Biden told a CBS affiliate in Pittsburgh. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee suggested that making masks a requirement could help reduce cases and deaths.


  1. At his age, he is at very high risk. But the easier solution is to put him in isolation, not all of us.


  2. I know lots of people male and female who should be forced by law to mask-up. However, not to protect them from Govid, but to protect the rest of us from having to be exposed to their ugly mugs.

    1. That means I am to wear a plastic bag and a paper bag over my head, thanks Bog...

  3. I have many female friends from high school, who are downright angry that I refuse to wear a mask, unless I must go to a doctor's office, or other place that I must go, that requires me to wear a mask. You can bet that it is not a Wallyworld, or some other store. I spend my money where I am welcomed as I am, not following some stupid Empress here in Michigan, who is using the covid 19 as a way to get on TV 3 days a week, for her " press conference."
    I go into places that say masks are required, without a mask. I went into Menards a week or so. They had a security guard at the door, telling me that I had to have a mask, or I could not go into their store. My wife had a rebate for there, so I tramped out to my car and grabbed us masks, brought them back in, and put them on. Of course, I didn't have to do that, oh no. They had them for sale at the service desk, right there in the front,for 1.99$ each. When I saw that, I was REALLY pissed. I dislike Menards policy of giving you a rebate good for only their store anyway. Now that they have tried to screw me, the next rebate that hits the mail box, just might not make it home to my wife. 5-10$ is just not worth it to me. Even the professionals girls here in my area get more than that for taking it in between the cheeks.


    1. Exactly. Vote with your wallet!

  4. I have a nice Czech M-10M with hood to wear when told to mask-up at places I need to go in.

    There's also a larger aperture I can flip up to use with said mask when I will need it.

    There's no "if" anymore.

  5. Based on this I'm assuming Hunter got a position on the board for a Chinese mask manufacturer.

  6. Ol Joe would probably love to fuck himself, or just about anything with a hole. However, I have serious doubts if he could figure out his own anatomy to a point where he could accomplish that task at this point.
    -Just A Chemist

    1. uhmmm, I think that is why pervJoe is spending so much time in his basement. Probably conducting extensive interviews with women-of-color vice president wannabes. Poor old Dr. Jill's gotta keep showing him which hole to use. Waiting for the photos to start being leaked.

  7. I’ve worn a mask once since this BS started: the girl who has been cutting my hair for 40 plus years said she’d lose her job if I didn’t. So I did.

    I’ve been in dozens of stores and hotels that require a mask. I ignore the signs. Only two people have challenged me and they both ended up wishing they didn’t.

    The surgical masks I see most people wearing are useless. They are designed for a sterile environment and do not block viruses. Cloth masks restrict Oxygen and trap viruses. A bandanna may be a good choice for a robbery but a terrible one to prevent infection.

    If everyone complies with useless mask policies, where will it stop? The masks are not to control a virus, it is to control you.

    1. Hello, one-half-wit Male Vagina Squared: You are one selfish son of a bitch. If your half-wit brain understood WHY you wear a mask, you'd know it's for the benefit of OTHERS, and not you, twat². Cloth masks? You don't build 9-strand barb wire fences to keep hummingbirds away...

    2. So it keeps nasty germs in but not out? That doesn't make much sense.

    3. So J
      do you know why you wear one dipshit, look at all the nongovernmental sponsored health studies. None, let me repeat myself because you are definitely retarded None advise healthy people to wear a mask. We understand the ideas of freedom and civil liberties frighten you and are willing to suck ass. We are Not going to be bullied by idiots and crybabies.
      Go Fuck Yourself

  8. "Facemasks do not seal tightly to the wearer’s face, do not provide the wearer with a reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles, and are not considered respiratory protection." (OSHA Publications OSHA3767.pdf)

  9. Fuck them
    Fuck him
    Eat shit
    Ain't doing it

  10. Have yet to mask up to go into any place of business, I don't follow Wal*Mart's aisle arrows either.

    Have lab work scheduled for the end of July at local hospital. Probably no way around it there. But with my beard I'm no fooling myself it'd do any good.

    1. Keep in mind that apparently you are worth anywhere from $13K to $39K to the hospital if they "diagnose" you with Covid-19 or put you on a ventilator. You might be better off going to a clinic to avoid the risk of having the hospital Shanghai you.

  11. If a mask works (it doesn't), why do we need to social distance?
    If social distance works (it doesn't), why do we needs masks?
    If masks and social distancing works, why did we shut down the country?
    We have been played.

  12. Uhh Uncle Joe, hate to tell you this but Executive Orders are NOT laws. Only congress can make a law


  13. Yeah Joe, I want to see what happens when .gov tries to make a Federal case of me not wearing a mask.

  14. Just adding to my collection: Gretchen Whitmer mask, Gropey Joe mask...

    "Your sign said I needed a mask. This is a mask!"

  15. I think it's high time we put an end to the "masquerade".


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