
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Kentuckians protect their monument



  1. Good.

    Today I need to go to the local "big town" as I still have my PO Box there. I will circle the civil war monument to see if it's been defaced. (And venture to the Holocaust monument too to see if it's been attacked too.) There's also a military monument in general to all the locals who gave their lives in various wars - will check that out as well.

    If anyone's interested in a sitrep please comment and I'll update after I go.

  2. There is going to be a lot more pissed off private citizens stepping up to do what is right if the powers that be refuse.

  3. With all the private citizens getting pissed off and now gathering, the Leftists are going to cry foul the very instant they try to start shit and the citizens shut them down, or worse pound the ever-lovin' shit out of them. This is expected and also a justifiable response to the damage those little shits have caused. I would wholly expect those same Mayors and Governors who so eagerly told the Police to stand down will do so again - and let the kids on the playground sort it out for themselves. (unfortunately, there will be plenty of Left-wing parents crying boohoo for their damaged spawn. Fuck 'em.)

  4. Thats how we roll in B town, lol

  5. I remember when UofL caved to the assholes and took the monument down. Glad to see it was re-established and the good people of KY are ready to defend it. If I still lived around there, I'd be with you all.


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