
Friday, June 26, 2020

Meet The Police Chief Forced To Step Down After Expressing Support For The 2A

Former police chief Steven Bukula spent nearly 25 years on the police force in Lowell, Michigan, but says he was forced to resign by the city manager after a post on the department’s Facebook page stirred up critics who accused the chief of racism, homophobia, and encouraging vigilantism. What on earth could Bukula have said that sparked such an outcry?

“The Lowell Police Department supports the Second Amendment and the armed citizen.”

That’s it. Nothing more.

Bukula joins me on today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, along with his attorney Katherine Henry, to discuss the Facebook post, his forced resignation, and the outpouring of support for the chief from Lowell residents in the wake of his dismissal.


  1. Well, it's Troll Land, just east of Grand Rapids. I'm surprised they didn't crucify him in the town square.

  2. When the truth is blaspheme to the bolsheviks and they get offended...consider that they are nothing more than "fake americans" and domestic terrorists.

  3. My wife’s friend is an MLS realtor. They’ve been officially notified that they may no longer use the terms “master bedroom” or “master bath” in their listings or to use the terms describing homes they’re showing. I’ve tried all my life to treat all people with the same level of respect they treat me with, but this shit is starting to piss me off. Here I was hoping to just die peacefully in my sleep one day. Guess that ones off the table. Hope they don’t ban master baiting. All hell will break loose then.

    1. This doesn't sound good for the future of clutch master and slave cylinders.

    2. Elmo, perhaps the solution would be something like the phrase "Client-Server" as used in the computer world.

  4. We already knew that a lot of the pol's in MI don't give a shit about the Constitution. I think the chief has a very nice payout coming for wrongful termination. I hope he bankrupt's that city.


    1. Not likely, 'cuz he fucked up. NEVER resign - make the bastards fire you. That way they own it.

  5. I live in Michigan, and I never knew that Lowell was as liberal as it is. I know that Grand Rapids is, and getting worse every day. I live in Muskegon,on the coast of Lake Michigan, and over the past decade, have seen a huge growth in the murder rate and shootings that have happened here. It used to be restricted to certain areas,and only a few per year. Now, it is everywhere, and happens almost weekly,for murders,and shootings, even more common.
    I already told my wife that if it gets too much worse,we might consider moving to a less dangerous, less populous state. I turned 60 today,and don't want to live the last decade or two of my life worrying about bullets zooming past my head when I go out.


  6. Forced to Resign?

    Why Resign? Tell them to fire you, if they dare; or make me an offer to leave that involves a year's severance and health care.

  7. Local small county Georgia sheriff does this all the time. Unfortunately, he's retiring end of the year and is being replaced by a Captain in the department who's been there for twenty years. I'm waiting to see if he carries on or plans to straighten the department out. He has my family redneck ears so I'm hoping.


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