
Monday, June 29, 2020

No good deed goes unpunished

FLORIDA- She’s just a kid trying to help make peoples’ lives a little easier. A little less painful. And now she’s under attack for it – and her family is facing death threats.

You’ve probably heard of Megan. Her non-profit is called Blue Line Bears. She, with the help of her family, takes the uniforms of fallen police officers and turns them into teddy bears for the surviving family members.


  1. I definitely ain't a cop sucker. By nature I start to fester when they infiltrate my vicinity. I see cops as cheap government officials with guns.

    That said. I see the end game with this Antifa anti cop bullshit. Globohomo wants the FBI to take over the patrol duties that we normally see at the local level. I'm thinking they want to get rid of the sheriff system too. They want to control us all with feds. We all know what that means.

    Do the math. We (barf barf barf) have to support our local cops. Damn That hurt just saying it.

  2. Just in case you need reminding just how low alleged humans will sink . . .

  3. Our voting power has to be so overwhelming that it overshadows the fraud that will undoubtedly occur by the Dems.

  4. I agree with you (mostly...) Kaos. But don't describe a group based on the actions of individuals. Even if good cops are the minority and bad cops the majority (tho I think its opposite), the good ones shouldn't get lumped in with the bad ones. Not fair to the individual.
    Whats lost in this debate however is the point of the article:
    This selfless little girl and her family are being attcked! For what? Trying to ease some pain of people greiving the death of a loved one??! For that you're going to threaten harm and violence upon a whole family? WTF is wrong with people today that they would even THINK that, let alone act?! Sick fucks man... let people grieve in peace, my God....

    1. Every cop is a bad cop in some way. Why? They are all human. They will also make mistakes.
      We are a nation of laws. Imagine a nation with no police. I'll take bad cops over the liberal Eutopia any day.

  5. You are more likely to die in a construction job than in law enforcement, but an organized crime thug (ahem) cop gets killed? Out come the bagpipes.

    I've encountered law enforcement too many times to ever think of them as anything but a threat to my personal safety, and they should pray to the almighty, that ordinary and average people like me who have been harassed by them don't get together and seriously shit all over their day.

    1. "I've encountered law enforcement too many times to ever think of them as anything but a threat to my personal safety"
      Then stop breaking the law. And you'll have no, zero, zip, nada, interactions with them. Such as myself.

    2. rayvet, infractions of the law are not required to have contacts with the police. My own expereinces include being spread eagled over the hood of a police cruiser with a shotgun in my back simply because I looked like the guy who had burgled some homes in the vicinity. Another time, when my town incorporated they got a new police dept. Two fresh faced cops followed me through town and drew on me when I exited my truck in the parking lot at the grocery store. A friend who was working as a dispatcher told me it was because they thought I was dealing drugs. Still another time, while walking during the day at a beach town, two police cruisers boxed me and the officers slammed me against a wall because, again, I looked like their suspect. Each of these three contacts was a case of mistaken identity. Or, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      I've also had some amazingly polite contacts with officers. My experience has shown that the younger cops are aggressive, the older cops are polite but definitely not to be trifled with.

    3. God bless Megan for doing something positive even when it is not popular. I'd say her family raised her right.

  6. Lesson: Don't go near Social Media. You can't change human behavior, but you can change your social environment.

  7. This shouldn't be about whether cops are good or bad. What it SHOULD be about is dumbass people sticking their noses into other people's business. Every asshole has an opinion, and we don't need to hear negative bullshit about a good person trying to help through a trying time. STFU!

  8. Well I for one donated to Blue Line Bears today. I don't care where you are on LE personnel, if you're going after a high school girl that makes teddy bears, you suck.

    Oh, and most of they people I know who have had problems with the law, earned that shit.

  9. I don't know this country any more.


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