
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

"Omigod, we've got a flat and can't drive any further!"


  1. I thought they were getting ready to set up a picnic . . .

  2. He is just exercising his white privilege to do whatever he wants.


  3. OK, that's the "before" picture (notice the shadow of the oncoming truck), where's the "after" picture?

    1. Let me put on my detective hat here. Guy removing tire has a vest on him. Shadow is likely one of those roadside assist trucks (we call them HERO's here in Ga). The truck is acting block for the idiot that stopped in middle of interstate.

  4. 'Honey, where are the sandwiches?'

    'In the front just like you told me.'

    'I don't see them.'

    'There in the front in the back. They were the first thing I put in the back.'

    True story.


  5. Too bad they don't get hit and help sanitize the gene pool. Apparently they don't teach pull over to the side of the road and take care of flat tires anymore

  6. If this is for real, the guy should lose his license.

  7. Years ago, I'm driving Westbound on I-70 just before the Wheeling WV tunnel about 1:30 in the AM when I pop over the little hill just before the tunnel and there's a stalled car in the middle of the fast lane with two semi-intoxicated females. Seems they had a flat, but didn't have a clue.
    Knowing a semi with a sleepy driver could be bearing down at any moment, I backed up to just above the hill, put on my 4way flashers and ran back to the car to see if they had a spare. They did, and as I was digging it out from the trunk and looking for a jack, a WVA state trooper pulled in behind my car, put on his bubble-gum light, and ran down to help me.
    I don't think we said a word to one another, but it was like a pit stop at Nascar and we got that tire changed in about 2 minutes!

    1. Today that Trooper would cite all of you, impound your cars and have you stand around for 45 minutes.

    2. Stopped to help some 'liberated women' on I-80 back in the 70's. At least I was able to convince them to pull over into the flat median before changing the tire for them. They had to try doing everything by themselves first - ever watch attempts to change a tire being done by a discussion committee? I managed to get each step completed while they were off to the side doing the committee thing.
      After a few parting insults, they left.
      That was this farm boy's first intro to liberated women.
      I was not impressed.

  8. And then there's my wife, who a few years ago drove the 6 miles home on a flat and ruined a $180 Michelin instead of calling me to come change it.

  9. I'd fault the driver, but there's no shoulder on that road and some all wheel drive vehicles don't take kindly to long runs with a flat tire. If that is a roadside (which doesn't exist here) assistance vehicle behind him, he's making the best of a bad situation.


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