
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Pancake Face speaks yet again

Pop star and left-wing political activist Taylor Swift said Friday that she found the two gender options on the U.S. Census “so upsetting,” maintaining that it was an “erasure” of “transgender” and “nonbinary” people.


  1. Who gives a flying f*** as to what she says.

  2. Maybe she can write another song whining about this. BTW, like the option of 'DFC'. We need that more and more these days.

  3. Wide shoulders, no hips, no ass, long fingers, pancake face...

    Wonder why "she" is for transgenderism?

    1. I bet the virtue-signaling twit gives primo blow-jobs to all 59 genders.

  4. Just STFU please! Out culture continues to mistake entertainers and professional athletes for people of importance. Taylor Swift is NOT even in the same league of Patsy Cline. I miss the bad old days when this country and culture was sane. BTW, being upset is a choice.

  5. She's behind the times. Non-binary transgender peacocks are so last month. They faded away like microagressions, the urgent need for all gender bathrooms, and men having periods too.

  6. I could care less what TS or any other idiot "entertainer" says or has an opinion about. All it does is sway me away from buying whatever the fuck they've produced or appear in.

  7. Hah "Taylor Swift. Betcha she cant sew , and after hearing some of the stuff she says she isn't too swift either . two lies in one name

  8. I will always give Taylor Swift some slack for this, at least:

    That said, she's an entertainer, not an advisor. Back into your box, dancing monkey.

  9. I was born in 1960, and just turned 60 last week. I was lucky enough to grow up in a world when they still made real music, and expected the singers to actually sing, and hit the note they were aiming at.
    I love Sade, and her sensual vocals,and her looks. Her band also is fantastic. Unfortunately, even Sade has a problem with hitting notes and often calls it good enough to just come close, and slide up or down into them. From what I know,she never used auto tune, but way too many of todays singers do use it. The list of those who can really sing is pretty short.
    Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato,and my personal favorite, Pink. If you doubt Pink, just listen to her singing the song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow,live at the 2014 Oscars. She sings that song as well as Judy Garland. Maybe even better.
    For the males of today's singers, I can't judge them, simply because of the recording industry today has made a mockery of male singers. The all sound the same, and I mean, they sound nearly the exact same. Sam Smith, Justin Bieber, Harry Styles,and all of the others, sound the same. You know how the recording industry can be. Find a sound that sells,and then beat it into the damn ground,until something else comes along,and beat the hell out of that. There is just so much crap today that driving in my car,I let my wife listen to her music, which is a lot of this new crap,but if I want to listen to my music,it is either the oldies, like Christopher Cross, the Beatles, CCR,Jefferson Airplane, Jethro Tull, Doobie Brothers, Alice Cooper,or others in that sort of group,or a different station,which plays classic rock like Tom Petty, The Rolling Stones, Ted Nugent,AD/DC, Blondie, sometimes Queen,and sometimes Joan Jet and the Blackhearts, or Heart, on both stations. You know,real music. I try to listen to modern country, but it is worse than Taylor Swift and her crapola.
    If I want country, I have to go to the internet to get the oldies where they actually could play an instrument and sing with a decent voice.


  10. I'll bet zuckerburg would consider her as one of his side chicks. At least their pasty faces match.


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