
Friday, June 26, 2020

Seriously, who gives a shit what a has-been thinks?

One of Mississippi's most prominent natives is calling for a change to the state flag.

Country music superstar Faith Hill wrote a Twitter thread on Thursday addressed to the legislature of her home state in which she calls for the removal of the Confederate battle flag emblem from Mississippi's state flag.

Hill, 52, who was raised in the small town of Star, wrote that the current flag is "a direct symbol of terror" for Black residents, who make up 38% of the state's population.


  1. It's really sad they think we really give a shit what any of those tools have to say about anything. Go away bitch and take all your idiot friends with you.

  2. Faith Hill and her faggot husband, Tim (I can't wear my pants any tighter)McGraw are both flaming Libs and hate guns. That could be why both their careers are in the tank.

  3. Hated her ever since she massacred "Piece of my Heart"

  4. A lot of those talkative folks forget that their previous fans and what present ones they still have, grew up reading "Let him who has ears hear." Matthew 11:15.

  5. Someone needs to ask her if she remembers the Dixie Chicks because ever since the spouted from their pie holes you haven't heard anything from them for oh 20 some years now.

    1. Just had to change their name to "The Chicks". Dixie was offensive. I didn't know they were still alive. Not that I cared.

  6. Go spread your fake white guilt where it will do some good: I recommend South Africa

  7. Anyone other than me think that it's mighty white of Ms. Hill to speak for all the poor, mute, black folks who are evidently unable to speak for themselves?

    Nothing says "white privilege" quite as loudly than some honky "speaking" for black folks, as if they were some sort of monolinth.

  8. Country music superstar ,, without which I would have had NO idea just why this person is important, so, thanks for the intro,,
    She must be really busy, living all the Moments of her own life and still finding time to be
    offended FOR other people.. I wonder if she thnks spending other peoples money is good, too..
    Rip down every statue,change every flag, scrape the names off every building, give Them All exact;y what they say they want, and The anger and dissatisfaction will remain.. There will be no greater opportunities for those who live where opportunity is rare, no child wi suddenly have a better education,, BUT, everything that would work to inspire people to achieve would be swept away, so, people who choose to stay in Loser places and live the lives of Losers, they wont be hurt by reminders that others overcame,,


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