
Monday, June 15, 2020

That'll teach him to talk down to his students

A black community activist who trained San Jose police recruits on implicit bias for three years was shot in a testicle by a rubber bullet during a recent protest, prompting the city's mayor to say that more needs to be done to confront police brutality — but that defunding police will only undermine those efforts.

Derrick Sanderlin, a 27-year-old community organizer, suffered potentially permanent injuries by a rubber bullet at a May 29 protest demonstration, the mayor’s office said in a press release Monday.


  1. I'm surprised that he had one, or any to begin with.

  2. Doesn't want to defund police because that's his rice bowl. Real moral courage there.


  3. Replies
    1. copy the url & try it on a new page, it works there.

  4. He might need to take a few days off from "work".

    1. Take a few days off from work, but he'll never be able to take any off from Woke.

  5. Imagine having to sit through that bix nood for two hours.

  6. I'd say one of hi students recognized him and took advantage of the situation.

    After undergoing many mandatory bullshit training events, I can understand this.

  7. Helluva a shot to hit that small a target

  8. He still has another nut... just don't go to another protest/riot. Another student is sure to aim for the other nut... can you say eunuch? I am with ya rickn8or, I hated the dumb, black lesbian twit that did sensitivity training at Airgas when I drove O2 tankers. I use to either sleep in her sessions or argue every single point she made to the point I was told to shut my trap by the bosses.


    Here is a photo of Sanderlin and his wife. I have nothing personal against either of them as individual human beings, but as a purely intellectual exercise, think of them as exemplars of archetypes. Which archetype is the bigger problem?


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