
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

You're joking, right?

BALTIMORE — “Something got to change for my son. Something got to change for everybody children that are growing up.”

Talia Hall was among hundreds of demonstrators protesting outside city hall calling on the city to defund the police department.


Go to the main page at this link and read the headlines for the daily news. I guarantee you'll see shit like this:
Man Shot
One Killed, Two Wounded
Two Wounded In Drive-By Shooting

And they want to defund their police force? You bet.


Aaaaand after I posted this from Monday, I came across this Tuesday morning:

BALTIMORE — The words “Defund The Police” are still painted on the road in front of City Hall.

The paint is dry and the vote to partially cut funds to the department was in the hands of the Baltimore City Council Monday night.

With a vote of 13-2 the council decided on an array of budget amendments that cut out $22 million in funding.


  1. Aaand after the cops are defunded and demoralized (even more) the neighborhood crime gets worse. Local stores will close forcing local residents to travel to outlying areas to buy food and wine, bringing their own crime with them. The social fabric, already fraying will tear. There will be more violent 'demonstrations'.

    1. They can only get as far as the mass transit can take them.

    2. "They can only get as far as the mass transit can take them. "

      Carjacking aside, this is generally true.
      Which is why "low income housing" and Section 8 have been used aggressively throughout Baltimore County (surrounding Baltimore the city). There can be no areas free of glorious diversity. Whites must be controlled, terrorized, and subjugated and blacks are the means by which those who actually pull the strings do it. Objecting to blacks being shipped in is racism. Noticing who have done the most to facilitate and empower black lawlessness and outright criminality is a Hate Crime.

    3. Remember, they WANT things to get worse. Much worse. Desperate people cling to lifelines, and the Socialist Left has one ready - all you need to do is kneel. ("300" reference.)

  2. I really hope Trump wins in November. I'd like to hear him say something along the lines of "Daddy's home, and he's got four years to sort this shit out. It's going to four long years for some, four very short years for others and four awesome years for the rest."

  3. I'm so over all of this schtuff....sumtins gots to be done fo mia son......bint, you should of thought of that when you spread your legs and got wacka doodled. Or were you dreaming of all the extra money you were going to get from welfare?

  4. They are dumber than dogshit in Baltimore and Maryland generally. Politicians I'm talking about. Maryland schools already suck because the teacher's union runs everything. They are struggling to pay the bills because the asshole governor appointed a commission, headed by a former Chancellor of the University of Maryland, to recommend ways to better prepare kids for college. Morons coming our of Baltimore City schools can't even read. The recommendations were, of course to capture the kids earlier and give the same idiots failing to teach the kids more money.

    Glad I got the hell out. Still trying to get some stragglers out.

    1. I hear you about getting out and staying out of the People's Democratic Republic of Maryland. And to think once upon a time, the free fire zone aka Baltimore Shitty billed itself as Charm City.

  5. Okay, I think I have figured out this entire Go-awful shitty mess, and I will explain it to you in terms we may have difficulty understanding unless you are a Democrat-Liberal:
    Systemic racism against blacks for the past two hundred years...
    Poverty amongst the disadvantaged and People of Color for the past fifty years (at least)...
    Police brutality against everyone (Caucasians can not be included)...
    Rigged elections where the Democrats still lose...
    Global Warming since 1933...
    Crabgrass and dandelions...
    ... wait for it...
    Are all Trump's fault entirely! This man is so utterly crafty, he has the ability to travel back in time just so he can screw over non-whites and especially Democrats.
    Using the Politically Correct Democrat Mathematics, three and a half years of Trump's Presidency equals generations of oppression.
    So, there you have it, one month of Trump is equal to ten years of prior "oppression."
    And to think I had it wrong all the time.

  6. Kalamazoo Michigan is considering cutting the budget of their police and also removing the police from the schools. This country is headed for hell,and we provided the handbasket, when we didn't stop this shit 50 years ago.
    We are going to pay for it, and how.


  7. Jesus seriously.

    Something has been done....
    They choose to not get or participate in a education. Its given to them and what do we get....

    “ “Something got to change for my son. Something got to change for everybody children that are growing up.”

    They drag each other back into the ghetto when one starts to actually get out!! This has been told to me by numerous black men i have trained with. So i dont wanna hear i am this that or the other thing. The GD Trutb hurts. It can hurt bad.

    It’s going to be a long summer. Ugh.

  8. Message for Ms Hall and all others like you: once you people STOP acting like (the "N" word-plural)and START acting like decent human beings only then will you see positive change. Your people have been sucking tit far too long and have been blaming everyone but yourselves to the point where your collective thinking is in the toilet. Or go somewhere other than America and form your own country. Americans are fed up with your shit.

  9. BE sho an puts all dem monies in dem edchun progams for dem folks dats aint listin kno how. dats right yo. yo u kins lead dem hoses to da wata but dey's aints gonna dranks nutin but dem red dranks maybes ona dem purple dranks u kno dog.


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