
Tuesday, July 07, 2020

24 year old who plays in traffic dies

SEATTLE (AP) — A person killed Saturday when a man who drove his car onto a closed Seattle freeway and into a crowd protesting police brutality was remembered Sunday as someone who was dedicated to the cause.

The other person hit in the incident, meanwhile, remained in serious condition Sunday at a Seattle hospital.

The deceased, Summer Taylor, 24, spent the last six weeks “tirelessly standing up for others while working full time and supporting everyone around them," wrote Urban Animal on Instagram, the veterinarian clinic where Taylor worked in Portland, Oregon.


  1. By the way, the driver was black. If he had been white, the story would have said so.

    1. Yep. Last name is Ethiopian or Eritrean. And therefore unlikely to have much Bantu in his background, which is what most American blacks are. But what the hell.

      Co-worker of her says: "Summer has been there since day one standing up for Black lives. Staying out all day and night, while still working full time taking care of animals."
      There's some sort of Racey McRacist joke in that remark, but I'm sure I haven't noticed.

    2. Well, if the driver wasn't a US citizen, I'm certain Trump will have ICE detain him so they can grant immediate citizenship, repairs to the car and a full tank of gas.

    3. It simply isn't true that "most American blacks are" "Bantu in [] background", genetic studies debunked that myth years ago. But what the hell.

  2. The best part about this whole thing is that a leftist white "ally" was run down by a black African immigrant. As sad as any loss of life is, this is perfect.

  3. Boo waaa! One less sweatsack.
    Chutes Magoo

  4. '...around them...'? So she was a them? What a warrior! She no longer has to stand tireless. I think she has four tires now. Or maybe a bumper and a tire.

    Just think, for all of history man has wanted to fly. She, or them, showed how easy it is.

  5. mental illness. them/they pronoun bullshit.
    out protesting at 1:30am

    nothing of value was lost.

  6. The White Cis-gendered patriarchy (Joe Biden) thanks them for their sacrifice.


  7. Fuck her, it, that, him...whatever. Good riddance.

  8. Just another stupid white girl killed by a black man.

  9. I'm sure most of us have see the photo of her. It's apparent she was pretty screwed up in the head.

  10. Now she can identify as a bowling pin.

  11. Black lives matter, white girls splatter

  12. Which portrait of 'them' did the survivors use for 'them's' oh bitch you are e?
    The portrait with 'them' in pink-hair?
    Shaved head?
    I prefer the portrait of 'them' face-down on the freeway surrounded by the all-male First Responders... well, 'them's' face was down but the rest of 'them' was sideways and around-back.
    As might be expected after an encounter with a three-ton vehicle.

    I looked for 'them's' oh bitch you are e, but maybe it was private.

  13. Too bad the article didn't have pictures of these two broads. They looked exactly like one would expect. The one that survived looks like a 30 something version of David Hogg's buddy Emma Gonzalez. The martyr to the cause had a shaven side head with a pink comb-over.

    How come is it that every one of these losers look like losers?

  14. Somewhere on the web today, don't recall where, I saw the money quote .. Black lives matter, white girls splatter.

  15. The whole event is a comedy. The driver is described as a student majoring in business and commerce. His enrollment status could not be confirmed. Translation-drug trafficking dirtbag.
    And now they're going to keep pedestrians off the freeway. How fucking proactive, guys.

  16. Since when do we allow protestors to CLOSE a Federal interstate highway?

    1. Especially when it's the most important north-south route on the west coast.

      It may have been at 1:30 am, but that's exactly when all the truck traffic is happening. Trump has a perfect case to step in here if Washington State won't. These protesting fools were affecting interstate commerce.

  17. He could have had a strike, but the pins kept moving.

  18. Its the video sound that I really enjoy. Then the knuckleheads flipping are around.
    This needs to happen more often when these fucknuts block roadways. Run them all down.

  19. Why are we blaming the driver?.shouldn't we be blaming the car?
    #vehicle control

  20. I tried to nominate this person for the Rachel Corrie Award of Courage, but the on-line application form, block 4, only allowed MALE or FEMALE choices....

  21. Just another black dude doing what he has got to do to hit a white girl.

  22. "Why don't you go play in traffic" was sarcasm, not to be taken seriously....I thought all red blooded Americans knew that....

  23. Very, very sad story. That poor car is going to be in the shop for weeks just waiting on parts. Something needs to be done - GoFundMe?


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