
Wednesday, July 08, 2020

A prophet?

A few weeks ago, hardly anyone in America had ever heard of Pastor Dana Coverstone, but now hundreds of thousands of people all over the country are buzzing about him. He leads a very small church in Burkesville, Kentucky and on June 25th he posted a video on Facebook about some remarkable things that he had seen in some of his dreams. He probably thought that only a handful of his friends would see the video, but it quickly went viral. At this point it has been watched by more than a million people on Facebook, and a copy that was posted to YouTube has now been viewed more than 600,000 times. Personally, I have had countless people share his video with me over the past week, and it still hasn’t stopped. But even though this video is spreading like wildfire, the mainstream media has been completely silent about it. In fact, if you do a search on Google News for “Pastor Dana Coverstone”, you won’t find a single news story about his video. What he was shown definitely does not fit their agenda, and so I expect that they will continue to generally ignore this phenomenon.

So what is it about his video that has people so excited?


  1. I have a hard time accepting anything a "psychic" says. My father was a firm believer and took every word as indisputable fact. One that he especially trusted told him something about me when I was still in grade school. It was something I'd do, or cause, or something, but he'd never tell me what it was. However, once she fed him her lies, he never really trusted me again. It's not hard to see that the country's a powder keg right now, and predicting gloom and doom is easy. If it pans out, he's made his name, and probably his fortune. If it doesn't, he'll pop up with some other prediction to explain why. There are not penalties for being wrong, but there are plenty of sheep to fleece if he's eventually right.

  2. My half Irish/ half Cherokee wife has had dreams /visions that warned of events that were to happen in our life . They have all come true and also prevented catastrophic happenings . She is a simple and prayerful woman . You can feel something is cooking .

  3. I think I've said similar things before on these pages; no matter who is elected on Nov. 3rd, the Demonrat brown shirts, Antifa and BLM, are going to go nuts.


    1. Yup, aint no getting around that. Never gonna be satisfied. We cant vote or print our way out of this goatfuck that our country has become. It saddens me so and I also now feel very fortunate to have grown up in the era I did. Although thru my life I have always felt I was born 200 years too late.

    2. You're too confident.
      No one is going to win on Nov 3, this election is going to last weeks, all the close states are going to be making up more rules to keep counting mail in ballots.
      Very angry times ahead.


  4. The website at your link demanded for me to disable my ad blocker. Here is the man's website with the video:

  5. I'd be more impressed by his first dream if he'd posted this BEFORE ChinCOVID, and not in June. And predicting the rotary impeller impact in November? I was predicting rioting et al no matter who wins, months ago.

  6. Whatever, take another hit.

  7. All I'll say is that I've gone from having Deja Vu about once or twice a year, to having it sometimes a couple times a day.

    Nothing particularly notable - except in its frequency. I never have made, nor do I make any claim to have any kind of prophetic or psychic "gifts". To me, it's just one of those weird things that make you go, hmmmmm.

  8. Saw Michael Snyder name somewhere. The biggest doom porn blog on the web and mostly full of shit.

  9. A religious prophet in troubled times gaining a following....
    Moving on...
    Helmut Norpoth has correctly predicted 25 out the last 26 elections. He predicts Trump will win again this year with 91% certainty.
    Better stock up on everything...

  10. Whether or not his dream was true, that isn't prophecy. The biblical prophets didn't merely see the future, they led the people en masse towards a better future.

  11. The hyperinflation thing is real and is growing. Pools of monies like bank accounts and 401K instruments will be easy picking during the reset. Local Local Local and group!!!


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