
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Sonic Orgasm.....

Several experts believe that low frequency sounds at 33hz offer perfect ambiance for meditation. Sounds at this frequency is also called the Frequency of Great Pyramid, as the main chamber of the Pyramid is believed to hum at the same frequency. And now, artist Mark Vagner has claimed that the same frequency sound has that unique knack to trigger orgasm among women.
MORE/VIDEO (yes, video!)
-The Nines


  1. Replies
    1. I can hum at 33Hz... cheaper then a flight and accommodations in Egypt.

  2. Do you remember the strange sound effects from Star Trek The Motion Picture (the first ST movie)? They were created by a guy named Francisco Lupica, on an apparatus he built called the Cosmic Beam. It was made from a large truck frame rail, strung like a violin or bass viola, with electronic pick ups. It made interesting and bizarre noises. Lupica claimed the thing caused spontaneous orgasms in women during live performances. Here he is on the old Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder a long time ago:

  3. So you're saying the United States should change its electrical grid from 60 Hz to 33?

    1. I think better 33 1/3 then we could play our old albums again.

  4. Geeze, as long as it took I’m guessing she has roast beef for a clit.


  5. It was difficult to tell in the video whether the frequency operator worked his way to 33Hz or whether he skipped foreplay altogether and went straight to 33.

  6. Makes me wonder at what frequency Barry White's voice was pitched.

  7. Makes me wonder at what frequency Barry White's voice was pitched.

  8. A long time ago there was a story in Playboy (yes, I did read the stories-after looking at the pictures and reading the jokes) that claimed a guy's ejaculation pulses at 0.8 Hz (it was cycles per second in those days) and that for maximum excitement the female responds to the same frequency of stimulation beforehand. Not sure if that would be considered what radio engineers call a resonant frequency (at which point things go to the max), but if she lights up, who cares what it's called?

    Also, supposedly an opposing army can be neutralized on the battlefield by bombarding them with 10Hz signals from giant loudspeakers-the ultra-low frequency causes their bladders to rupture if the signal is strong enough.

  9. I'm not convinced that this is really news. Most females get off on vibration and the spiel says that the speakers are mounted in the chair. Woman has orgasm while sitting in vibrating chair, well there's a surprise.

  10. Howard Stern proved this years ago....

  11. From the sound in the vid, it seemed to me that main freq also had some other higher pitched freqs mixed in. Not to mention that the guy operating the freq gen seemed to be doing an awful lot of fiddling around adjusting things, unless that was just for effect.


  12. My Harley used to do that to chicks, too...

  13. Om
    Those Indians knew a thing or two.


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