
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

As if everybody plants unidentified seeds

Mysterious seed packets from China have been sent to people in Utah, Washington and Virginia.

According to officials, residents in multiple states have received unidentified packages of seeds from China.

Department of Agriculture officials are warning residents: ‘Don’t plant the seeds!’

“Today we received reports of people receiving seeds in the mail from China that they did not order,” the Washington State Department of Agriculture said Friday. “The seeds are sent in packages usually stating that the contents are jewelry. Unsolicited seeds could be invasive, introduce diseases to local plants, or be harmful to livestock.”


  1. Little shop of horrors sprouting everywhere.

  2. Seems a bit on the biological warfare side to me.

  3. SOMEBODY is going to try to grow these things. Fuckin' Chinese.

  4. They are probably Wuhan Kung Flu seeds sent by Russians in China because... Orange Man BAD!

    1. paid for by Iran using the gold they got selling their oil to Venezuela, they were posted from north korea!

  5. Another act of war. How many more times will the Chinese attack us before we do anything?

  6. Michigan now as well.

  7. China is claiming they didn't send them and the labels are fake; but they also are demanding they be returned to china with the packaging for investigation by them.


  8. Somebody somewhere has planted them, if not out of curiosity then because "Fuck you". Has anyone figured out what they are?

  9. Send back kudzu seeds.

    Aside: Have these been identified?

  10. My wife got a postcard yesterday that says it is from Arm & Hammer and to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, she is to plant the card, as there are wildflower seeds embedded in the paper.

    Well, their so-called Earth Day is in April. Why are they sending these cards out in July-August?

    I will be contacting Arm & Hammer to find out if they really did send these out.

    If you do get strange seeds in the mail,put them in the microwave for a few minutes to sterilize them before tossing them out.

  11. Probably GMO super weeds designed to be resistant to herbicides, both are horrible. Either they are diseased or bad genetics, not too many things to be done with seeds but they can be pretty damaging.

    Why is the USA doing business with a country that just performed another act of war against us?

  12. I'd be more concerned with what they are coated with.


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