
Monday, July 20, 2020

Because the Virgin Mary was racist or something

One or more people vandalized and beheaded an outdoor statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary this past weekend at the St. Stephen Catholic Church of Chattanooga, according to church officials.

Bishop Rick Stika of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Knoxville tweeted that incidents such as these are nationwide.


  1. This has got to be stopped and these people need to be dealt with in a Medieval way.

  2. No biggie. The mackerel snappers will sit back like the true martyrs they've been programmed to be by the Vatical for hundreds of years.

    1. This is a time to be building alliances - not not exacerbating divides.

      Wake up! There is a real fight going on and the adversary is well funded and better organized than the people who are waiting for Trump to do something.

  3. She had a child and raised it without applying for welfare. Shame on her.

  4. If Jesus is the lamb of God and Mary is his mother...does Mary has a little lamb have a deeper meaning?

    Always search for the truth, it's out there.....


  5. First it was the monuments to "oppression and slavery", now Christian symbols and institutions, guess who's next?


  6. This sort of thing will happen as long as the perps know they face no punishment. Knights with swords guarding religious statues is a first step.

  7. This is worthy of a very long prison term, maybe life in prison. Simply no possible excuse for such a thing. Not a joke, not a political statement, just plain mean.


  8. Power and corruption is the new religion.

  9. There was a fire in Nantes Cathedral over the weekend. THREE fires, actually.

    Just random chance of course. Stop being paranoid.

    Also, read the linked article all the way through. The really important stuff is in the last paragraph. (Seriously, it's bad, but what the hell does it have to do with someone vandalizing a statue of the Virgin Mary? It's not a victimhood competition. [...] Oh, sorry, what was I thinking? Duh.)


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