
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Couple under house arrest after refusing to sign COVID-19 quarantine agreement

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky -- A Kentucky couple is under house arrest after one of them tested positive for coronavirus and refused to sign self-quarantine papers.

Elizabeth Linscott got tested for COVID-19 because she was planning to go visit her parents.

"My grandparents wanted to see me, too, so, just to make sure that, you know, if I tested negative, that they would be okay, everything would be fine," Linscott said.

After testing positive but without showing any symptoms, Linscott told WAVE-TV the health department contacted her, requesting she sign documents.

"I agreed to comply to call the Health Department if I was to go. I was to call the Health Department if I was to leave my house for any reason," she said.

But, she chose not to sign.


  1. She should demand to be retested. There is, from news reports, both large number of faulty tests and hospitals that are reporting everyone positive, as the positive rate has something to do with how much federal money they get.


  2. Welcome to socialist america, the gubberment will take care of you.

  3. The Police State taking advantage of a crisis/situation/etc again. The article is basically a dissertation on the federal constitution being null and void at the whims of those who are supposed to uphold its founding intentions.


    1. The only recourse Americans have come in a box.

      Ballot box
      Jury box
      Cartridge box

      By my estimate, this situation lies somewheres between 2 and 3. I'd be shopping for one hell of an attorney if it was me. My magazines are already loaded!

  4. Why don't we wear ankle monitors for the common cold, for the flu? Why don't they have ankle monitors for political reasons. It's time to start killing these people.

  5. With a higher than 60% of false positives being reported this is BS. I would retest daily with different labs doing the testing. No way would I wear an ankle monitor for this hyped up kung flu.

  6. next will be jail for not getting the vaccine.

    1. which would be good because they release everyone from jail for fear they would get flu

  7. In a just world, motherfuckers would suck start a 12 ga. when they came to put the monitor on. Or test in the first fucking place.

  8. Better call Saul. Disappointing this happened in Big Lou.

  9. If I were in her shoes I'd invite the Governor over for drinks and dinner.


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