
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Damn, a whole country's having a nicotine fit

Tobacco lobbyists are taking South Africa's government to court this week over a controversial ban on the sale of cigarettes implemented as part of its strategy for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

South Africa, Africa's second-largest economy, has effectively banned smoking by making the sale of tobacco illegal in one of the most drastic public health measures introduced anywhere around the world during the pandemic.


  1. They closed the booze dispensaries too.

  2. I'm not a smoker but I'm against smoking or tobacco bans. Just keep your smoke away from me while I'm eating and throw your butts where they belong, hint; not on the ground, and we'll get along just fine.

  3. Well, fascists gonna fascist ...

    The thing that caught my eye was "Africa's second-largest economy". Used to be that SA had more than half of the entire continent's economic output. But that was back when whitey was in charge, and that just wasn't acceptable, was it?

  4. And crickets on the ongoing murders of the white farmers.

  5. Fuckers closed booze sales as well. This is really good for business, if you happen to be in the booze business and have stock. So I suppose one can't complain. But seriously, they just put the final nail in this country's coffin, it's just going to take a while to show.

  6. what no one is telling you is that corrupt government officials are running an untaxed, home grown tobacco, selling business.

  7. I never smoked a cigarette until I was 30 years old, got a divorce, and started playing music with 5 people who all smoked. Within a few months,I was smoking. I smoked for about 20 years. I quit cold turkey, about 7 or8 years ago. I know if I light up just one, I will be a smoker again,so I keep away from them.
    The problem is that we all know they are bad for you, but I liked smoking anyway. And I know just how bad it is for someone who doesn't smoke,to smell your smoke or the stale smell on your clothes. With the new recreational Marijuana law in Michigan now,when you pass by someone who is a heavy weed smoker, that is even worse than cigarette smoke. And I did try weed twice, using the legal Medical Marijuana card, for migraine headaches,but no luck,and no buzz, no matter how I used it. So I gave it up, and never touched it again. My oldest brother uses it for migraines,but he smoked it in high school,and beyond, so maybe that has something to do with it.



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